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Pepsico | Innovation Workshop


To run the annual workshop for the team from the Pepsico Global Value Innovation Center around the theme of making Innovation happen.


This was a team chartered with coming up with disruptive innovations around capital equipment – that could be adopted by Pepsico globally to make the organization more competitive.

The team was unique in the sense that it had made a mark for itself by designing around customer needs rather than around technology. Also, it comprised a very small group of people – who had worked with external vendors in a hub and spoke arrangement, orchestrating the network for success. The team was led by a very senior and experienced leader – who gave us a challenging brief: To run an intervention around Innovation for this successful group focussed on Innovation!

The intervention was structured around cutting-edge thinking of that time around Innovation – The 10 faces of Innovation by Tom Kelly of IDEO.

The workshop was largely experiential in nature. It was designed in a manner so as to introduce a few new concepts that the participants could Learn, Practise and finally Implement too. Hence, the workshop took an approach of introducing concepts, allowing participants to “much over it” – and then pick out whatever they deemed to be relevant/workable for them in a practical way.


Here is what Tanmay Vats, Vice President & Head, Pepsico Global Value Innovation Center had to say about the whole intervention:

“FocusU organized our first offsite in 2013. That they were the obvious choice for our second offsite in 2014 speaks for the impact they had made with their first. The Facilitators were amazing. Their affable personality and strong communication skills ensure a great connect with the participants thus leading to a universal participation. They have the ability to connect the content and activities to the unique challenges faced by the team thus making the content all the more relevant. Their passion & commitment rubs on the rest of the team too. It’s not about the content or activities. Those can be replicated by others. It’s what the FocusU team does with them which makes the experience so special. It’s a pleasure partnering with the FocusU team. We wish them all the best.”

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times” – Charles Dickens

With social distancing becoming the new norm and working from home becoming mandatory across organisations, everyone is feeling at a loss about their routines and the effect these changes will have on their productivity. However, instead of falling prey to feelings of despair and panic, a change in perception is the need of the hour!

Working from home is an alien concept for a lot of people who are suddenly finding themselves in unchartered territory and this can lead to a lot of questions in everyone’s mind. However, the hallmark of creativity is flexibility – a mindset open to challenges and opportunities, alike! Therefore, the best way to deal with these uncertain times is to take all the necessary precautions while maintaining the work flow in the best way possible. Here are a few tips to make the transition to WFH, easier –

Create A Dedicated Workspace

To get in the proper mindset, the first proper step is to ensure that you have a dedicated workspace within the four walls of your home. Choose a corner, a room – as per your convenience and available space, and mark it as your own. Keep it as clean and de-cluttered as you would your work desk back in office.

Another pro-tip to enhance productivity is to choose an area with ample sunlight for your workspace. Sunshine can instantly lift your mood up and make you feel motivated from within!

Plan It Out

Any habit takes a minimum of 21 days to take root. Thus, to get in the habit of working regularly from home, at least for the foreseeable future, building a proper time-table and sticking to it religiously is extremely important!

Plan out your day, keeping in mind that you still need to give your work a minimum of 7-8 dedicated hours, despite being at home. This routine should include your meal times, breaks, and the working hours.

Furthermore, you need to ensure that your routine doesn’t get disrupted due to any reason / distraction whatsoever. Staying at home poses a host of potential distractions that can bring your productivity down but it is up to you to weed out those distractions in the most effective manner possible.

Suit Up!

As futile as it may sound at first glance, dressing up for work even while at home has actually been known to boost productivity. This is because when you put in that extra effort to dress in formal clothes rather than comfy home clothes, you subconsciously get in the work mode and find yourself motivated to work with focus and zeal.

Working in comfortable clothes may lead you to eventually relax and slack off, over time. Of course, this rule is not set in stone and you can still find ways to be productive without don-ing your finest suits.

Take Regular Breaks

One of the easiest way to stick to your schedule is to plan timely breaks as a part of it. Planning a routine without dedicated break time may lead you to either over-work yourself to exhaustion or take unregulated breaks that will  down your productivity.

Thus, it is advisable to formulate a routine that includes regular breaks and to enjoy them. Working form home gives you the advantage of utilising such breaks to indulge in your favourite pastime – whether it is a hobby or simply relaxing in your favourite chair with a hot cuppa!

Breaks can be rejuvenating and help boost productivity, if used properly. Hence, be wise with your time!

Stay In Touch With Colleagues

With social distancing disrupting most professional setups and meetings, it is easy to lose sight of the bond otherwise shared with your colleagues and find yourself isolated in the process. It is of extreme importance that you walk that extra mile to ensure that you keep in touch with your team members.

The time spent catching up with your work-friends during office hours plays a vital role in building the overall strength of the team and also helps one maintain proper work-life balance. This human touch needs to be preserved and nourished even in times of social isolation.

What serves as a silver lining is the host of available options to maintain virtual contact with people across cities and even countries. Planned video calls, catch up meetings, and shared messages are thus going to play a vital role in determining the strength of your team – both emotionally and economically.


These are just a few tips and tricks to help you get through what is bound to be a very different and interesting work-life setup. We look forward to hearing more innovative ideas to help boost productivity while maintaining a healthy work-life balance in these very unprecedented conditons.

“If you’re a leader, a fellow that other fellows look to, you’ve got to keep going.” Sir Earnest Shackleton

Some say leaders are born. Others say they are molded. Throughout history, leaders have forged new paths for others to follow.

In 1914, Sir Earnest Shackleton lead 27 men for almost two years to a harrowing fight for their lives after the wreck of their Antarctic vessel: The Endurance let them stranded on an ice floe 12 hundred miles from a civilization with no means of communication and no hope of rescue. The temperatures were so low the men could hear the ice freeze. They subsisted on a diet of penguins, seals and ultimately dogs.
Continue reading “Leadership In Extreme Situations”

Whether you are a manager or a CEO, you would be required to present your work to people in or outside your organization, some day. If that day has not arrived for you, then it’s coming very soon. I write this blog after interacting with the first time managers of a reputed Indian MNC. The group said if they could get a fool-proof system of effective presenting, then they could pay anything for that system. So allow this blog to be a teaser for our excellent workshops for first time managers (Presenting With Impact – a workshop that we conduct for leaders to become effective at making a mark).

Continue reading “10 Fool-Proof Ways to Ruin Your Presentation”

The offsite is the most anticipated event for any organization. The organization aims at aligning people and the organization’s vision, while employees expect a break from their routine. Both of the parties have their own expectation of an offsite; some are fulfilled and some are not. Let me share the four things employees expect at an offsite –

Continue reading “4 Things Employees Expect At An Offsite”

A team building offsite is an amazing opportunity for the team to promote new and sustainable ways of communication and collaboration, which leads to overall enhanced work performance and betterment of the team’s dynamic. It fosters creativity and supports innovation, the combination of which is vital to a company’s success. With the right planning and execution, an offsite event can have enduring benefits in the team’s overall output.

Continue reading “How To Plan A Productive Offsite?”

First let me explain what “motivational offer” even means. The motivational officer (aka celebration officer) is always the one who looks out for a tonne of reasons to celebrate, like each achievement and milestone. But there’s more to it than just a reason for a cold beer – as Uncle Ben would say, “with great power comes great responsibility!”

Continue reading “6 Steps to Become Your Team’s Motivational Officer”

One of the critical levers to help you achieve your business goal is to align, develop and promote the right talent. The challenges that organizations face while doing this and taking managers input during this process is the amount of bias that can come into any of these decisions. Hence, it’s always recommended to form a council that includes managers (of the individual being considered for promotions /potential) and skip managers (assuming that a high potential employee would have demonstrated visibility at this level).

Continue reading “Pointers For Identifying Leadership Potential”