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Virtual Instructor-Led Training

A VILT is a digitally delivered ILT, catering to learners spread across geographies. Delivering programs virtually only changes the medium, not the comprehensiveness of the learning experience, the engaging approach of delivery, or the expertise of the facilitators. And yes, it is significantly more economical than ILTs.

virtual instructor led training
virtual instructor led training image

What is this about?

Virtual learning is ineffective” is just a myth. Like any other learning intervention, it really comes down to how well the session is conceptualised, designed and executed. When done well, the powerful effects of social learning & learning by doing make it an immersive experience.

VILTs can be rolled out based on the constitution of the cohort using different formats like:

  • Case studies
  • Role plays
  • Experiential activities
  • Webinars / Masterclasses
  • Board games
  • Online business simulations
  • Storification
  • Gamification
  • Flipped classrooms

Our approach to designing an VILT

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Begin with why

What is the business outcome we are targeting?
What are the learning outcomes for this session?

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Qualify what can move the needle

One size never fits all.
Understand the learning cohort: demographics, experience, challenges.

Clarify that the learning event is not the finish line

Learning is a journey. The VILT is only a pitstop.
What can be done before & after to support the learning?

team alignment
Plan for the learning transfer

Knowledge x Transfer = Impact. A stand-alone VILT can do only so much.
How can the learner apply learning back at the workplace?

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Align and involve the managers

A great VILT without manager buy-in is a recipe for wasted L&D effort.
How do we keep them informed and involved in the learning process?

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Plan for measuring impact

What gets measured, gets done.
What data points can we credibly measure through the course of this intervention?

Frequently asked questions

Don’t see an answer to your question?
Drop us an email and we will get back


The ideal team size should be around 20 participants, like it is for most learning interventions. The maximum we recommend is 25. The minimum recommended group size is 6 since below that we would have a compromise on the richness of group learning and sharing of best practices.

Each learning journey is different. So, it is usually crafted based on the client’s specific learning need. A typical learning journey can take 3-4 weeks at minimum from the pre assessment to the post assessment phase. A journey can even take a few months.

Learning is not just about knowing new things. It is about assimilating it, pondering over it, questioning it, challenging it, and finally coming to a new understanding of the topic and seeing it with new eyes. Group reflection helps learners see topics through multiple perspectives, accelerates motivation and enriches learners. In a typical 45 minute session, participants and facilitators login on the virtual platform. The participants share their experiences of using some of the skills learned from the previous segments of the journey. As facilitators, we believe the wisdom lies with the group. The facilitator guides the group through thoughtful questions and possible solutions to challenges they face. They also employ the benefits of peer learning and encourage cohort members to support each other and share their own best practices.

It is recommended to go in for the entire package since it has been designed after careful research for maximizing learning impact. However, we are flexible on this. Some of our clients prefer to do some of the segments on their own using company specific platforms. We support their decision in such cases as long as the overall learning does not get impacted.

The assessments are usually curated by our design team depending on the learning need. Once the assessment method is validated by the client, the administration is usually done at least a week before the virtual workshop so that the facilitators can use some of the insights in the delivery.

If it is a skill, it needs practice for it to seep into a learner. In such cases, the learning interventions are spaced out over a few months. In this time, the learner goes through a string of experiences that can include some or all of these: ILTs, VILTs, simulations, microlearning, group coaching, 1-1 coaching, Masterclass sessions, workplace application exercises, assessments and action learning projects.

Like all other FocusU programs, our VILTs are thoughtfully curated. This usually involves working with the client L&D team during and post their TNA analysis, identifying the key learning needs, working on the assessment and design of the learning program, planning reinforcement strategies and measuring impact through post assessments.

Most VILTs by themselves are 90-120 minutes in duration. However, basis the analysis of our learning designers, one or more of these components may be added to improve learning effectiveness:

  • 15-30 minutes for pre assessment
  • 45 minutes for group reflection (when applicable)
  • 30-60 minutes for microlearning / self-paced learning
  • 15 minutes for post assessment
  • Self-allotted time for reading

Yes, this can be done if a need for this is perceived.

Thousands of businesses of all sizes, from
startups to large enterprises trust us

  •  compnany logo

    Thank you for the super energetic session today. You really made us feel that we were all in the moment and being virtual didn’t matter! Thanks for truly delivering a fantastic experience and thank you FocusU for suggesting Beatbox Acapella as I know we had multiple discussions on this!

    Karishma Banaji
    Khan Academy India Head People Ops
  •  compnany logo

    We need a high energy program which makes each member truly belong to the team”. This was the brief we gave to FocusU team. We were glad we decided to go with them because all the activities that the team did were high on energy with a specific focus in mind. At the end, we came out as a better team, knew so much about each other. There was lot of trust, bonhomie and 'can do' attitude at the end.

    Shekhar Chhajer
    India and Middle East - Daimler CIO - South East Asia
  •  compnany logo

    Overall, I would give a rating of 9/10 and would also recommend FocusU. Some qualitative feedback received from others: - The program was very nice - Didn’t know how the 2 hours went by - It took our mind off work – created an #escapemoment that all of us need - The FocusU team was very enterprising, with high passion and energy levels Look forward to more such sessions in the future

    Ajay Simha
    Beiersdorf Nivea Marketing Manager
  •  compnany logo

    It was a fabulous experience and the entire session was conceptualized with deep thought and executed with fine precision. The catalogue of activities planned out for us extended the perfect opportunity to introspect on self and make way for more team building. Professionalism and great dedication are the hallmarks of the team from FocusU, and I wish them all the very best.

    Santosh Panicker
    Sears Holdings India CPO
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