Whether you like him or not (which is rarely the case), you can’t ignore him, because he is trending 365 days a year through his comedy shows and anchoring. Comedy is a serious business and he has mastered this art with his wit, wisdom, and sheer awesomeness. He paid income taxes of INR 15 crore to the Government of India recently and his show “The Kapil Sharma Show” has an IMDB rating of 8.6/10 (as of March 2017). He has a following of 7.72 Million on Twitter, equivalent to several popular Bollywood actors and actresses and he is on his way to becoming an international comedy star with his popularity.
Sometimes all of us are so caught up in the never ending treadmill of work that we fail to appreciate the small things that our team mates do for us. This is an inspiring true story about a US Navy pilot shot down in the Vietnam War, who had a life changing experience, which made him much more appreciative of all people who, in ways small or big, contributed to his success…
Source: Pixabay
Showing appreciation: Who’s packing your parachute?
In the words of William Matthews, “The first law of success is concentration – to bend all the energies into one point, and to go directly to that point, without looking left or right.” A human mind can be distracted pretty easily and as new things keep coming in our lives, it’s natural for us to get overwhelmed with new ideas and set our priorities incorrectly. If you want to bring change to your life, it’s important to know what’s most valuable to you. In short, it’s about setting your priorities correctly. But, how do you do that?
Continue reading “Prioritising Like A Pro : The ABCDE Method”
As Patrice Lencioni mentions in his book 5 dysfunctional of the team, the absence of trust is one of the biggest drawbacks experienced by a team. This becomes even more relevant and important in the virtual context, with everyone working remotely with limited interactions. The lack of face to face conversations increases the risk of miscommunication and reduced inter-personal trust. Thus, it is important for a leader to help build trust among his team members.
Continue reading “5 Ways Leaders Can Build Trust In Virtual Teams”
4th September is a special day for me and I still remember that day because it was the first day at my first job. The day was special for me because around 200 people joined together in a plush glass building with contemporary architecture, which was also the campus of one of India’s top IT companies, Infosys. It was like a dream come true for me because the induction program wasn’t just a ‘program’ but an experience for all the new joiners. From documentation to soft skills programs to fun sessions, everything was planned to a tee. Now when I look back, I see that an induction program is one the most crucial parts of an employee’s journey in the organization. Here are few ideas you could to explore while designing your next induction: