Continue reading “Book Learning: A Whack On The Side Of The Head”
Sometimes all of us are so caught up in the never ending treadmill of work that we fail to appreciate the small things that our team mates do for us. This is an inspiring true story about a US Navy pilot shot down in the Vietnam War, who had a life changing experience, which made him much more appreciative of all people who, in ways small or big, contributed to his success…
Source: Pixabay
Showing appreciation: Who’s packing your parachute?
In the words of William Matthews, “The first law of success is concentration – to bend all the energies into one point, and to go directly to that point, without looking left or right.” A human mind can be distracted pretty easily and as new things keep coming in our lives, it’s natural for us to get overwhelmed with new ideas and set our priorities incorrectly. If you want to bring change to your life, it’s important to know what’s most valuable to you. In short, it’s about setting your priorities correctly. But, how do you do that?
Continue reading “Prioritising Like A Pro : The ABCDE Method”
As Patrice Lencioni mentions in his book 5 dysfunctional of the team, the absence of trust is one of the biggest drawbacks experienced by a team. This becomes even more relevant and important in the virtual context, with everyone working remotely with limited interactions. The lack of face to face conversations increases the risk of miscommunication and reduced inter-personal trust. Thus, it is important for a leader to help build trust among his team members.
Continue reading “5 Ways Leaders Can Build Trust In Virtual Teams”
To make sense of the world around us, humans rely heavily on their intuition along with their intelligence. Intuition is marvellous, indeed. In the blink of an eye, in the absence of much information or data points, it helps us assess, judge, and decide the better of given choices. Malcolm Gladwell’s bestselling book, “Blink” celebrates the marvels of the intuitive mind, in a highly influential manner. So much so, that it left an impression on thousands of people that intuitive decision making was in some ways ’magically’ superior to careful, deliberate decision making.
Continue reading “How Can You Make Better Defensible Decisions?”
Reflecting back on the early nineties, when I began my career as a medical sales rep, I was a shy youngster, who wouldn’t like to stand-out. However once, very early in my career, I stood up to the interviewing board of Sun Pharma, when they were selecting for an 8-member team (across India) to discuss clinical studies with doctors.
To say that the past few years of working in a start-up environment has been exhilarating would be an understatement! There have been ups and downs, some good decisions and some which make us cringe when we think back – but if someone were to ask if we regret this move, then the answer is clear – “Not a chance!”. One of the perks of our job is the opportunity to interact with excellent senior leaders in different verticals as part of the leadership workshops that we do – and we have come away richer from each such intervention! One of the other aspects which we enjoy is the opportunity to have conversations with people who have undertaken similar journeys as ours and learn from their stories. However these days, we are also getting to meet people who are poised to take a leap of faith into starting something of their own and want to connect to seek our counsel. While the conversations differ (and we are nowhere qualified enough to advise some of these industry stalwarts), there are still some aspects of our journey which have translated into useful leadership lessons for us, which we do share with them. We hope some of these would be useful for others venturing into a similar, unfamiliar territory.