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We might not remember all of Newton’s Laws, but we do remember what happened in the movie Titanic scene by scene. Movies engage us fully and we feel as if we are a part of the story. It connects with us visually and sometimes we become immersed in the entire experience. That’s the power of movies!

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Work-related stress is a real thing, and it can turn the office environment toxic. There are infinite deadlines and a host of individual personal issues weighing on everyone’s mind. And the ever-increasing demands of management can in turn give birth to additional work-related stress . Employees are constantly exposed to tough situations; decisions of management can burden the tender shoulders of employees. Not only is this harmful to their mental and physical health, but it largely reflects in their work too. 

Continue reading “How Mandala Art Can Help Improve Employee Mental Health and Well-being”

Whether you are a manager or a CEO, you would be required to present your work to people in or outside your organization, some day. If that day has not arrived for you, then it’s coming very soon. I write this blog after interacting with the first time managers of a reputed Indian MNC. The group said if they could get a fool-proof system of effective presenting, then they could pay anything for that system. So allow this blog to be a teaser for our excellent workshops for first time managers (Presenting With Impact – a workshop that we conduct for leaders to become effective at making a mark).

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First let me explain what “motivational offer” even means. The motivational officer (aka celebration officer) is always the one who looks out for a tonne of reasons to celebrate, like each achievement and milestone. But there’s more to it than just a reason for a cold beer – as Uncle Ben would say, “with great power comes great responsibility!”

Continue reading “6 Steps to Become Your Team’s Motivational Officer”

There. I said it. Spontaneity is over-rated.  And much so…

Billy CrystalWhat people see as spontaneity is in fact gems pulled out from the bag of experience. These are gems that have been collected and polished to a sheen over the years, and that they have stood the test of time. Spontaneity is a result of being well-prepared. In 1940 Winston Churchill memorized each word of his maiden speech in House of Commons, leaving nothing to chance! Because he memorized it and knew it by heart, he delivered a speech that is amongst the most memorable speeches of all times, popularly known today as “Blood, Sweat, and Tears.”  Another example of prepared spontaneity at work is the most successful host of the Oscars, Billy Crystal.

In our work as facilitators of corporate workshops, “spontaneity” plays an important role. It is the ingredient that adds flavor to the performance and helps us connect with the participants. However, just like Churchill, the script needs to be memorized so that it becomes second nature and makes every moment of performance, memorable. Spontaneity is born from confidence of knowing the content intimately.  On the flip side, spontaneity without any preparation is a sure-shot recipe for disaster. It may lead to loss of face or worse, lost business. Imagine you’re the host at the Oscars and you screw up the punch lines of your jokes! In showbiz, you just committed professional and personal hara-kiri!

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Most of us will have some amazing memories of their grandparents. Memories like being fed divine food ( read : overfed ), receiving toys, always getting more money than you ask for, and of course the countless hugs and kisses. I was also one of the luckiest people to experience all this and much more.

Continue reading “Leadership Lessons From My Grandma”