Tag: employee feedback
“Get Closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need before they realize it themselves.”
– Steve Jobs
For every FocusU family member, checklists are an irreplaceable part of life. So, when I came across a book titled “The Checklist Manifesto,” I knew I had to read it. The book was a pleasant surprise in every possible way. Written by a renowned surgeon Atul Gwande, this book deals with the idea of solving complex problems across a broad spectrum of issues ranging from both personal and professional issues.
The writer starts by narrating a story about a deadly infection that was killing the patients in a hospital and how a simple checklist saved the lives of thousands of people. On any given day in the United States alone, there are thousands of people admitted to intensive care. Each ICU has a host of things like anesthesia, breathing tubes, tubes for fluids, antibiotics, and medicines. And more often than that, variables are usually hard to manage and cause some serious infection. How to avoid this infection? Why is this infection happening? Are we doing something wrong? Finally, a checklist was created and was put to a test.
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The Covid-19 breakout has taken everyone and every industry by the storm. The most visible and probably the most important impact of this terrible global pandemic is the way most companies are turning towards providing their services virtually and facilitation is no exception.
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