In the ever changing VUCA world with unpredictable business dynamics, organizations must ensure their employees are well-equipped to handle the inevitable challenges and thrive nonetheless.
Most of us will have some amazing memories of their grandparents. Memories like being fed divine food ( read : overfed ), receiving toys, always getting more money than you ask for, and of course the countless hugs and kisses. I was also one of the luckiest people to experience all this and much more.
Do you remember the first time you rode a roller coaster? I sure do…I wasn’t even sure at the first that I want to give it a shot but finally I put aside my nervousness and anxiety and decided to embark on that adventure. When I finished the ride, the first thing I said was – Let’s Do it Again!
Today, we are increasingly moving towards a team-based based outlook at work, in comparison to individual roles and contributions. According to a recent survey by Deloitte, 86% of respondents said companies are moving towards a more flexible and team-centric model, in contrast to the traditional hierarchical setup. So, today it’s all about working together as one team.
At work, we most often see people complaining about a certain unfavorable condition or a bully boss or a non-cooperating team member but no one does anything to change or come out of that situation. Most of us must have heard during our appraisal meetings that we must do something “outside the box” to get a good rating and maybe a promotion but very few of us understand what this ‘outside the box’ means. We are so locked into thinking in a linear way that we fail to notice that innovations and inventions emerge from thinking in a non-linear fashion.
A high-performing team is something that every organisation craves. Have you ever wondered what that one thing is that is common in every high-performing team? According to Google’s comprehensive research, it is psychological safety.