The Role of Microculture in Team Success
Category: HiPo Employees
Continue reading “Leaders Eat Last: Building Trust and Empathy for High-Performing Teams”
Lessons From The Cook-Off Challenge
One of the biggest challenges facing leaders who head Senior Management Teams (SMT) is on how to make them more cohesive – and into a high performing one. This challenge is all the more accentuated when either there is a new team being formed or there is churn in the existing team, leading to new members joining in.
Continue reading “Stories of Great Teams: Part 5: US Navy SEALs “
In his book, “The 5 dysfunctions of a team”, noted author Patrick Lencioni makes a very pertinent observation, “”Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare”.
Real wisdom is often hidden in true stories and unexpected places. One exceptional example of this is the Bollywood movie “Mission Mangal,” a tale of India’s triumph in the field of space exploration loosely based on scientists at the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).
We live in a world where social media constantly encourages us to lead the conversation and share our experiences. There doesn’t seem to be enough emphasis on actually listening to others. Many times, we find ourselves interrupted and inundated with tasks and stresses that make us feel disconnected from others. This is making us lonelier, more isolated, and less tolerant than ever before.
Continue reading “Active Listening : An Underrated Skill Of 21st Century”