facebook The power of fun - Focus U

The power of fun

Business Impact

What you will learn in The power of fun

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The power of fun

Fun is a great way to bond people. It gets people to drop their guards and be more open and more kind towards each other. Memories created in a fun experience linger on, long after the event, leaving a positive after taste for all participants. Do explore the power of fun with these activities!

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Targeted business outcomes

Each of the modules here are thoughtfully customized to the specific cohort, to target one or many of these business outcomes:

  • Building a positive and uplifting work environment
  • Promoting camaraderie and teamwork
  • Improved productivity and efficiency
  • Sharing of diverse ideas, sparking innovation and creative solutions to challenges
  • Better team morale, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and retention rate

Frequently asked questions

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Yes, we break the team to smaller groups of 3-4 people to ensure everyone is engaged. Team members would need to switch roles and take up additional responsibilities during the course of the challenge. This keeps everyone engaged.

Rectangular tables with flat tops are needed for the activity. Usually, hotels use 6 x 2 ft rectangular tables, and these are good enough as long as the surface is smooth. We have also managed with circular tables when rectangular ones have been unavailable.

Yes, we break the team to smaller groups of 6-8 people to ensure everyone is engaged. Team members would need to switch roles and take up additional responsibilities during the challenge. This keeps everyone engaged.

Yes, we break the team to smaller groups of 6-8 people to ensure everyone is engaged. Team members would need to switch roles and take up additional responsibilities during the course of the challenge. This keeps everyone engaged.

Since this is a virtual experience, we expect participants to have a stable internet connection, a Tablet/PC device available with them, and their login credentials to the designated virtual meeting platform.

In all experiential activities, the teams participating don’t necessarily have to succeed for the learning outcomes to be achieved. Having said that, 80% of teams doing this activity succeed in varying degrees.

Yes. We break the cohort into smaller teams of 6-8 participants to ensure thorough engagement.

We would need a venue with a decent amount of outdoor space to set this up.

Yes, we break the team to smaller groups of 6-8 people to ensure everyone is engaged. Like in any other activity, there are different roles allocated to each team member. So each person would have a specific role to play in ensuring the team’s success.

In all experiential activities, the teams participating don't necessarily have to succeed for the learning outcomes to be achieved. Having said that, 80% of teams doing this activity succeed in varying degrees.

On each topic page, you will see icons on the right that clarify this. This is how you decode them:

  • ILT (Instructor-led Training) - ILT (Instructor-led Training)
  • VILT (Virtual Instructor-led Training) - VILT (Virtual Instructor-led Training)
  • ML (Microlearning) - ML (Microlearning)

Every single workshop is customized to the precise customer need and brief. Our client advisory team will work closely with you to understand your context and pass it on to the execution team.

You can download a program overview from each of the topic pages. Do note that while this will give you a broad structure of the workshop, our learning designers will still need to talk with you to customize the workshop to your context.

Everything that would be needed for running the workshop will be arranged by the FocusU team. The exclusions are only the arrangements needed at the venue like say a mic, AV system, screen, projector & required seating / table arrangement. If it is a virtual program, we can arrange the virtual platform or conduct it on yours - as per your convenience.

We would need the following details, to make a meaningful proposal that aligns with your requirement:

  • Objective: What is the end goal of doing this intervention?
  • People: Demographics of the group - age, gender mix, seniority, nationality.
  • Time: How much time do you have for this?
  • Other: Anything specific about the team or team dynamics that we should have the context of before designing the workshop?
  • Venue: In-person or virtual, which city, which hotel or office, which conference room

Loved by clients across industries

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Thousands of businesses of all sizes, from
startups to large enterprises trust us

  •  compnany logo

    The activities were truly fun. Particularly enjoyed the quirky challenges which made us get over our inhibitions like performances before colleagues or letting the fun side of our personalities show through photos we'd prefer to keep to ourselves. The time constraint and need for coordination amongst team members really fuelled our creativity both as individuals and as a team.

    Pravin Mahajan
    Shobiz Experiential Communications Pvt Ltd VP Strategic Business Unit
  •  compnany logo

    The FocusU Team facilitated 2 four day management cum fun, pan company offsites. They were absolutely fabulous! They are very thorough and professional, have a great can-do attitude and gelled very well with all levels of people in our organization. They have a great company DNA and its been a pleasure working with them. Focus, we are looking forward to engaging you again. Wish you all the best.

    Siddharth Suri
    Impulse India Director
  •  compnany logo

    I commend the work put in by your team. We had originally planned to try a technology-based team challenge but eventually went with their recommendation of the Dominos Challenge. We had so much fun, while experiencing learnings from each other and the activity itself. The way the insights were tied in together was truly splendid. A great team building session with so many moments of wow!

    Radha Sriharsha
    Maersk OSC India Pvt. Ltd. HR Lead
  •  compnany logo

    We chose FocusU for a day of fun-filled learning for our coaches and facilitators. The Focus team listened in carefully to understand the nuances and execute to perfection. The final experience was delightful – full of laughter and bonding. The Geocoaching activity was a memorable and powerful tool. The facilitation was exemplary.

    Shirin Sachdev
    Indigo Airlines DGM, L&D
  •  compnany logo

    We were initially apprehensive on how the team building event would play out, as we had not worked with FocusU earlier. However, FocusU exceeded our expectations; they did a wonderful job in bringing together a diverse group of people. At the end, there were only smiles and laughter. A special mention for “Pixel Challenge” – the painting that we created as a team, is something we proud of!

    Mukesh Soni
    J.P. Morgan Asset Management Vice President

Talk to our expert

Need help in crafting employee engagement activities that your teams will just love? Or just want to have an exploratory chat?
We are here!
Our purpose is to help deliver better results at the workplace through experiential learning.

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