Author: Admin
4th September is a special day for me and I still remember that day because it was the first day at my first job. The day was special for me because around 200 people joined together in a plush glass building with contemporary architecture, which was also the campus of one of India’s top IT companies, Infosys. It was like a dream come true for me because the induction program wasn’t just a ‘program’ but an experience for all the new joiners. From documentation to soft skills programs to fun sessions, everything was planned to a tee. Now when I look back, I see that an induction program is one the most crucial parts of an employee’s journey in the organization. Here are few ideas you could to explore while designing your next induction:
How Positive Work Culture Help Employees Struggling With Mental Health
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To Stop a warlord is Shannon Sedgwick Davis’s account of her journey of fighting a notorious warlord spreading mass atrocities in Central Africa and consequently bringing peace to thousands of ailing natives.
9 Must-Watch Movies That Celebrate Diversity
With the annual pride month behind us, diversity is bound to take the proverbial backseat, once again. However, for leaders who wish to build an inclusive workplace culture need to embrace and celebrate diversity throughout the year. But what does diversity at the workplace place mean? Is it just hiring women employees? Or is it about celebrating the team members who belong to the LGBTQIA+ community? Or is diversity and inclusion an umbrella term for celebrating every kind of team member that makes the very DNA of any organization? From sexually and culturally diverse team members to differently abled ones; and everything in between?
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Blair Sheppard – Global Leader, Strategy & Leadership at PwC released his ‘Ten Years to Midnight’ book back in August 2020. And after almost two years of a global pandemic, it remains as relevant as ever. The book talks about a supposed timelines of 10 years that the world leaders have before it’s too late. The timeline focuses on 4 urgent global challenges and possible strategic solutions for them. Sheppard urges leaders to act fast, even as the the 70 years long social-economic progress triggered by the Marshall Plan unravels in front of their eyes.
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