One of the biggest challenges facing leaders who head Senior Management Teams (SMT) is on how to make them more cohesive – and into a high performing one. This challenge is all the more accentuated when either there is a new team being formed or there is churn in the existing team, leading to new members joining in.
In his book, “The 5 dysfunctions of a team”, noted author Patrick Lencioni makes a very pertinent observation, “”Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare”.
Fans of action movies, worldwide, are no stranger to the power of US Marines. From fighting alien invasions to putting underground terrorist groups to waste – they are truly the real life Avengers! However, their reel-life image does no justice to the real life power and strength of the world’s most powerful military group.
Whether you are a start-up or a big multinational company it is necessary for HR managers to invest in team building activities. Very often we hear HR managers asking a question that why is it important to invest in team building activities. They often have a doubt that it won’t give them the kind of benefit which they are looking for. But assuming that a team building activity is a sheer waste of time and money is not at all correct. Instead, such activities when organized properly can have numerous benefits both to employees and the organization. Remember, people are the most important asset of any organization and it is never wrong to invest in this important asset.
Communication is one of the most important tools for determining our success. Regardless of how much knowledge we attain, if we are unable to effectively communicate it further, the knowledge is of no use.
Teams are not built. ‘Natural Teams’ happen when the right environment is created. The instinct to hunt, survive, and WIN in packs is part of our primitive programming. The challenge of leadership is to create the environment where this instinct is not blocked.
What if I told you: All the Disney secrets are carefully compiled in a book called Disney U, by Doug Lipp – the former head trainer for Disney International? Just go ahead and buy this masterpiece first. If you cannot do that, see the video here: