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5 Killer Strategies To Develop A Personal Brand

What’s the one thing that comes to your mind thinking about KFC? The Chicken Recipe. What’s the one thing you recall when thinking about Starbucks? I don’t need to answer that. What’s the one thing that strikes your mind when you think of Toyota? It’s Quality. What’s the one thing that hits the cord when you think of Martin Luther King Jr.? “I have a dream.” What about when you think of Shahrukh Khan? It’s entertainment. Top companies and people know how to brand themselves because they know the secret to personal branding. It’s your index finger. Didn’t get the point? Make a fist with the index finger sticking out. Yes, the secret is this index finger. Here’s how: think of the index finger as a symbol of the one thing that you would like to associate with, which would define your personal brand. Here are five ways to develop your personal brand:

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It’s March. You know what that means – no, not Holi, not St. Patrick’s Day, and not even March Madness basketball time. Okay, so maybe you don’t know: it’s Women’s History Month! Yes, there is a month celebrating women’s contributions to historical events and contemporary society. Even if you haven’t heard of Women’s History Month, you probably recognized and even celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8th this year.

Continue reading “Why Women’s Empowerment Matters”

I like to say that jazz is like a nice glass of wine. Why do I say that? Well, perhaps because I love jazz and I love wine, and who doesn’t! But beyond that, wine and jazz are both things that evolve as you experience them. You come to appreciate both in different ways – the longer you listen to/taste it. Like a grape that ripens with age produces a beautiful wine, young leaders ripen with experience and blossom into strong individuals who create opportunities for their employees and build a culture of innovation and freedom to experiment.

Continue reading “4 Leadership Lessons from the World of Jazz”

Imagine this: Your team at office has been assigned a very unlikely task – to scale a respectably difficult hillock, to pitch in tents there and then of course, the little matter of cooking up your dinner there. Needless to say, there are no “learn-pitching-your-tent-in-7-easy-steps” manual or modern irritants like gas stoves to bother you there. How would you and your team fare?

Continue reading “Conquer Your Own Mountain!”

Having stars in a team is one thing and having a star team is another. This statement, to me, underlines the essence of a team. A team begins when the individuality of its members start to blur in a way that a new cohesive entity emerges which is more potent and singularly aligned than the summation of each individual members. It is easier said than done. There are many roadblocks in achieving this potent alignment.

Continue reading “5 Steps To An Effective Team”