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Top 10 Themes for your next Leadership Team Retreat

Organizing a Leadership Team Retreat can sometimes be a nerve wracking experience if you are an HR Lead. Most CEOs whom we interact with like to have some overarching theme or story for such meets that aligns with their thinking. And to be fair, that is probably a good idea. However, we see too many of these meets have such corny taglines that flop miserably. So here are 10 ideas that you can try out for the next time.

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25 Inspirational Team Songs

The beauty of music is that, when it hits, you feel no pain

There is no denying the power of music. Be it a celebration or a low point in our lives, music can help amplify the experience, every single time. Music is especially important for us Indians. Blame it on the constant influx of classic Bollywood songs and their timeless videos; but music has always been a big part of our beautiful culture of colours, music, and celebrations.

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During the workshops that we facilitate, a common question that we get from business and HR leaders is to give recommendations on business books that they can gift to their team members either during a team offsite or post an intervention. Here is a list of ten books that we recommend – needless to add, this is by no means exhaustive – you of course know your team best and hence would be the best judge of what fits well in their context.

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Last week, I saw our gardener wearing a brand-new t-shirt of a Top Tier Consulting firm! Curious, I asked him where he got it from. Said it was given to him by one of the other households where he worked. This is the fate of many of the office Swag T-shirts that are given away during team building off-sites. So how do we give out memorabilia that people will cherish? Here are some ideas that we have seen that work.

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4 Things Employees Expect At An Offsite
The offsite is the most anticipated event for any organization. The organization aims at aligning people and the organization’s vision, while employees expect a break from their routine. Both of the parties have their own expectation of an offsite; some are fulfilled and some are not. Let me share the four things employees expect at an offsite –

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A team building offsite is an amazing opportunity for the team to promote new and sustainable ways of communication and collaboration, which leads to overall enhanced work performance and betterment of the team’s dynamic. It fosters creativity and supports innovation, the combination of which is vital to a company’s success. With the right planning and execution, an offsite event can have enduring benefits in the team’s overall output.

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