Source: Pexels
Continue reading “5 Simple Tips to Deal with Workplace Bullying”
Source: Pexels
Take your car on a journey without refueling and you will soon run out of gas. Chances are that you would end up on the highway alone. On an empty tank, the car will not move. Today, everyone is running in this fast paced world, aiming to get ahead. Some are running for money and others for success, but do we know the price we pay in the process? “Evaluate the cost before you invest” – be it in stocks or achieving your goals. We are running without knowing the price we have to pay in terms of failed relationships, deteriorating health, and lack of meaning. Here are the three reasons why you must take a break.
Communication is one of the most important tools for determining our success. Regardless of how much knowledge we attain, if we are unable to effectively communicate it further, the knowledge is of no use.
This sounds like a fairly easy-going line, but undoubtedly it has been one of the most important pieces of advice I received just before delivering my first workshop at FocusU, and it is as valid today as it was then.
A few days before my big interview, my heart lit up! I was preparing for the interview when I came across four riveting interview questions that changed my life forever. Today, I start every day by asking myself these four questions. They act as a guide, giving me insights about my present and future. They guide my decisions and help me make better choices.
Continue reading “4 Interview Questions You Must Ask Yourself Daily”
Take a moment and look at this image.
There is a secret force that helps us to achieve our goals – our thoughts. These thoughts direct an achiever to keep achieving and a non-performer to keep losing in life. The difference between Low-fliers and Achievers is not how they behave, but what happens in their inner world. The very thoughts we run in our mind, run our life.
In The Alchemist Challenge, we talk about 3 fears that bind our supreme potential. One of them is Negative Influence. This is indeed a very engaging subject. The moment we ask our participants to think about it, the examples flow in thick and fast. It is not at all because any of them are negative. It is perhaps because major part of our social, political & personal atmosphere is negative. Starting from colleagues’ gossips to news’ headlines – most part of the news is either about cribbing or complaining about something or somebody.
Continue reading “Speak carefully because YOU are listening!”
Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain – Ralph Waldo Emerson