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Last week, I saw our gardener wearing a brand-new t-shirt of a Top Tier Consulting firm! Curious, I asked him where he got it from. Said it was given to him by one of the other households where he worked. This is the fate of many of the office Swag T-shirts that are given away during team building off-sites. So how do we give out memorabilia that people will cherish? Here are some ideas that we have seen that work.

Continue reading “8 Gifts For Your Next Team Building Offsite”

Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey have it, so does Narendra Modi. What is it in some leaders that makes us sit up and take notice? Simply put, executive presence is the ability of a leader/executive to make their presence felt, be it in an election campaign or an iPad product launch. While facilitating leadership workshops, we have had the good fortune to observe some wonderful leaders who demonstrate this quality, and here is our top 5 list of behaviours that they seem to possess.

Continue reading “5 Personality Traits That Define A Leader’s Presence”

This amazingly insightful book had me hooked from the very beginning. Not only does it give a heart warming glimpse into the much acclaimed and revered cricketer
MS Dhoni. Also known as the
Captain Cool owing to his Cool exterior even under the most strenuous situations.

Continue reading “Book Learning : How To Think And Win Like Dhoni?”

Cross generational team work can allow for an eclectic, but inspired flow of ideas and varying perspectives. However, leaders often struggle with managing such a culturally and often, technologically diverse team. The challenges faced take different forms like clash of authority, inherent biases born out of generalised stereotypes, and so on. And, as a new generation of technological driven Gen Zers enter the workforce, managers will have a tougher time maintaining and empowering inter-generational teams.

Continue reading “How To Effectively Manage A Cross-Generational Team”

Have you ever felt like someone you knew would prefer you to act differently than you currently do? It’s human nature that, with or without meaning to, we all try to change those around us. Everyone does it! At work, managers try to change their workers; at home, parents try to change their children; and in social circles, people try to change friends and acquaintances. Everyone is trying to change someone. We are so busy changing people around us that we have lost our own focus. Many of us have spent years trying to change someone, to no end. Some have tried everything possible to change people’s thinking and behavior so that they become more like us, yet they have failed. It is just like pushing a wall and expecting it to move.

Continue reading “How Acceptance Can Be An effective Management Tool?”

Why Women in Leadership Matter

As a working woman, the position of women in leadership roles is a topic close to my heart. It’s one that sparks a variety of opinions, even today. While Corporate India has made significant strides, with more women taking on leadership positions — especially in metro cities — there’s still much ground to cover.

Some of the privileges we enjoy today would have been unimaginable for our mothers or grandmothers. Yet, full inclusion and equal representation remain goals on the distant horizon, particularly in leadership roles. Let’s take a closer look at the current landscape.

The State of Women in Leadership

The statistics paint a stark picture:

  • Representation of Women CEOs in the Fortune 500: As of 2024, women held 10.4% of CEO positions in Fortune 500 companies, totaling 52 female CEOs. This number has remained unchanged from 2023, indicating a pause in the upward trend observed in previous years.
  • Gender Pay Gap in India: According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2024, women in India earn approximately 39.8% of what men earn, highlighting a significant gender pay disparity.

These figures are sobering. They remind us of the systemic challenges that continue to hinder women’s progress in leadership roles. But these challenges are not insurmountable.

Breaking Barriers: Insights from ‘How Women Rise’

I recently had the chance to attend a session in Bangalore based on the book How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith. It was an eye-opener! The book identifies 12 behaviors that often hinder women from advancing in their careers. These are:

  1. Reluctance to claim achievements
  2. Expecting others to notice and reward contributions (what Sheryl Sandberg refers to as the ‘Tiara Syndrome’)
  3. Overvaluing expertise
  4. Just building rather than leveraging relationships
  5. Failing to enlist allies from day one
  6. Putting the job before the career
  7. The perfection trap
  8. The disease to please
  9. Minimizing
  10. Being too much
  11. Ruminating
  12. Letting your radar distract you

During the session, I saw many women recognizing these habits in themselves. Sometimes we’re so unaware of our unconscious behaviors that they hold us back without us even realizing it. The key takeaway? It’s not about adding more to our plates — we’re juggling plenty already. It’s about stopping the habits that don’t serve us.

What Can Organizations Do?

Organizations play a critical role in advancing women’s leadership. Here are a few ways HR and L&D leaders can drive change:

  • Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs: Ensure that women have access to mentors who can guide their careers and sponsors who advocate for their advancement.
  • Leadership Development Initiatives: Create programs tailored to address the unique challenges women face in leadership roles.
  • Equal Pay Audits: Regularly evaluate and address pay disparities.
  • Inclusive Work Cultures: Foster an environment where women feel valued, included, and empowered to thrive.
  • Work-Life Balance Support: Provide flexibility and resources that help women balance personal and professional responsibilities without sacrificing growth opportunities.

Why Women Leaders Are Essential

Women bring diverse perspectives and unique strengths to the table. Research consistently shows that organizations with women in leadership perform better financially and have stronger cultures of innovation and collaboration. In short, empowering women isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s smart business.

Join the Conversation

At FocusU, we believe in creating a world where women can rise to their full potential. Our Women’s Day workshops are designed to celebrate achievements, address challenges, and equip women with the tools they need to lead confidently. Together, let’s build a future where women and men collaborate as equals to drive progress.

The world is undoubtedly better with more women leaders. What are your thoughts?