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Moving from training to facilitating was an easy call. However, the path ahead was unknown. Training and facilitation are two different worlds. Think of it this way – training is centred around giving, while facilitation is rooted in extracting.

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Sometime back I was reading an article about guiding principles that are rapidly affecting the future industries. These 3 principles reminded me of the famous lines from The Pursuit of Perfect author Tal Ben-Shahar, who said, “Those who understand that failure is inextricably linked with achievement are the ones who learn, grow, and ultimately do well. Learn to fail, or fail to learn.” Yes, you guessed it correctly! All three principles are based on the most important directive to drive a business or a team – FAILURE. And this is true even for a facilitator who strives to be the best.success and failure

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In today’s world the only way to stay current is to look to the future; that is, to improve, progress, and develop yourself professionally and personally. At FocusU, one of the methods we use for self-development is writing. In one of our earlier blogs, Do Facilitators Need to Write?, we discussed the merits of writing as a tool for understanding and expressing a topic eloquently. But what if you get stuck before you ever reach that place of expression? Well, we understand that difficulty and are here to offer up some ideas!

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