Customer service is like common sense, when it comes to organisational growth and success. With social media taking over the marketing world by storm, a small oversight can end up making your brand go viral for all the wrong reasons. And, as they say, the internet is forever.
Good customer service might seem like an intuitive measure, but the impact, in either direction, can be substantial. Surprisingly enough, engaging unhappy or grieved customers has proven to make a long lasting impact. And, in a world where everyone is just a tweet away, word of mouth holds unimaginable power.
To help further illustrate our point, here’s a curated list of inspiring quotes on Customer Service –
1. Just having satisfied customers isn’t good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create raving fans.
– Ken Blanchard .
2. Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
– Bill Gates .
3. Treat the customer like you would want to be treated. Period!
– Brad Schweig
4. The key is when a customer walks away, thinking, ‘Wow, I love doing business with them, and I want to tell others about the experience.
– ShepHyken
5. Customer service should not be a department. It should be the entire company.
– Tony Hsieh
6. Spend a lot of time talking to customers face-to-face. You’d be amazed how many companies don’t listen to their customers.
– Ross Perot
7. Imagine your customer is your best friend—listen to their concerns, be a shoulder to lean on and then shift the focus from what went wrong to how you can help make it right.
– Rachel Hogue
8. Customer service is about empathy.
– Chaz Van de Motter
9. Customer: A person who indirectly pays for all your vacations, hobbies and golf games and gives you the opportunity to better yourself.
– Unknown.
11. Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the customer gets out of it.
– Peter Drucker
12. It takes months to find a customer…. seconds to lose one…!
– Vince Lombardi
13. You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be too easily duplicated. But a strong customer service culture cannot be copied.
– Jerry Fritz
14. How you think about your customer influences how you respond to them.
– Marilyn Suttle
15. It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.
– Henry Ford
16. Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.
– Simon Sinek
17. If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will.
– Bob Hooey
18. Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement.
– C. Penny
19. The goal of a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.
– Sam Walton
21. Building a good customer experience does not happen by accident. It happens by design.
– Clare Muscutt
22. Companies designed for success in the 20th century won’t be successful in the 21st.
– Kevin Howard
23. In the world of Internet Customer Service, it’s important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away.
– Doug Warner
24. Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them.
– Kevin Stirtz
25. After-sales service is more important than assistance before sales. It is through such service that one gets permanent customers.
– Kōnosuke Matsushita
26. The magic ‘mind reading’ anticipatory service phrase is: ‘If that was me, what would I want?
– Steve Cokkinia
27. You need to get to the future, ahead of your customers, and be ready to greet them when they arrive.
– Marc Benioff
28. If you wonder what getting and keeping the right employees has to do with getting and keeping the right customers, the answer is everything.
– Frederick Reichhel
29. Customer service is the new marketing, it’s what differentiates one business from another.
– Jay Bae
31. The best form of customer service is self-service. Constantly empower customers to get their own answers themselves.
– Dan Pena
32. Sell good merchandise at a reasonable profit, treat your customers like human beings and they’ll always come back for more.
– L. Bean
33. Customers often know more about your products than you do. Use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for product development.
– David J. Greer
34. Customer service is just a day in, day out ongoing, never ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate, type of activity.
– Leon Gorman
35. Although your customers won’t love you if you give bad service, your competitors will!
– Kate Zabriskie, Founder Business Training Works
36. We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job to make the customer experience a little bit better.
– Jeff Bezos
37. Biggest question: Isn’t it really ‘customer helping’ rather than customer service? And wouldn’t you deliver better service if you thought of it that way?
– Jeffrey Gitomer
38. Sales without Customer Service is like stuffing money into a pocket full of holes.
– David Toomar
39. If you make a sale, you can make a living. If you make an investment of time and good service in a customer, you can make a fortune.
– Jim Rohn
41. A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.
– Mahatma Gandhi
42. Bottom-line obsession comes from turning the pursuit of money into a God and forgetting the real master your business serves: The Customer.
– Michael Shevack
43. It is not your customer’s job to remember you, it is your obligation and responsibility to make sure they don’t have the chance to forget you.
– Patricia Fripp
44. If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.
– Ray Kroc
45. Good customer service costs less than bad customer service.
– Sally Gronow
46. Rule 1: The customer is always right. Rule 2: If the customer is ever wrong, read Rule 1.
– Stew Leonard’s Grocery Store Customer Policy
47. We asked ourselves what we wanted this company to stand for. We didn’t want to just sell shoes. I wasn’t even into shoes — but I was passionate about customer service.
– Tony Hsieh
48. Profit is the applause you get for taking care of your customers and creating a motivating environment for your employees.
– Unknown
49. If you love your customer to death, you can’t go wrong.
– Graham Day
51. Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you.
– Chip Bell
52. Dealing with people is probably the biggest problem you face, especially if you are in business. Yes, and that is also true if you are a housewife, architect or engineer.
– Dale Carnegie
53. The key is to set realistic customer expectations, and then not to just meet them, but to exceed them — preferably in unexpected and helpful ways.
-Richard Branson
54. It’s easier to love a brand when the brand loves you back.
-Seth Godin
56. Always keep in mind the old retail adage: Customers remember the service a lot longer than they remember the price.
– Lauren Freedman
57. Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet.
– KevinStirtz
58. Merely satisfying customers will not be enough to earn their loyalty. Instead, they must experience exceptional service worthy of their repeat business and referral.
– Rick Tate
59. Service, in short, is not what you do, but who you are. It is a way of living that you need to bring to everything you do, if you are to bring it to your customer interactions.
– Betsy Sanders
61. As a membership site we’re always focused on reducing churn and increasing satisfaction. We know that collecting feedback from customers throughout the customer’s lifecycle has allowed us to achieve both.
– James Bake
62. Happy customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.
– Lisa Masiello
63. We don’t want to push our ideas on to customers, we simply want to make what they want.
– Laura Ashley
64. The sole reason we are in business is to make life less difficult for our clients.
– Matthew Odgers
65. A satisfied customer – we should have him stuffed!
– Basil Fawlty
66. If you’re aspiring to satisfy your customers, then you’re aspiring to mediocrity.
– Jon Picoult
67. Legendary customer experiences are designed.
-Dwayne Vera
68. The reputation of a thousand years may be undermined by the conduct of one hour.
– Japanese proverb
69. The biggest thing stopping you from achieving an amazing Customer Experience is setting low expectations … and achieving them.
– E.J. Kritz
71. Customer service is the experience we deliver to our customer. It’s the promise we keep to the customer. It’s how we follow through for the customer. It’s how we make them feel when they do business with us.
– Shep Hyken
72. Value-added promotes customer retention (they come back) but value-unique nurtures customer advocacy (they bring their friends)
– Chip Bell
73. Customer service is what sets the good companies apart from the bad companies. Think of it as an added value. In today’s competitive industry, everyone can provide the best product, but not a great customer service.
– Charles Vallena
74. Customer service is nothing less than the foundation on which today’s most prolific businesses will be realized.
– Than Merrill
75. The customer: Someone that indirectly pays for your food, clothes, and vacations. Be nice to them.
– Gene Caballero
76. The only purpose of customer service is to change feelings.
– Seth Godin
77. The more helpful you are, the more pleasant the customer is.
– AJ Saleem
78. Don’t overestimate the cost of going above and beyond to ensure the customer in front of you is satisfied. Don’t underestimate the ROI when they become a brand ambassador.
– Aaron Schmookler
79. All businesses need to be young forever. If your customer base ages with you, you’re Woolworth’s.
– Jeff Bezos
81. How customers experience your brand throughout their journey is what lasts. Experiences happen long before and long after customers swipe the card at the register or push the ‘confirm purchase’ button. You need to delight, not discourage, customers at every touchpoint.
– Pete Sena
82. At the time your customer is most insecure, is the time you need your front line to be most confident.
– Chip Bell
83. Treat the customer as if you are that customer.
– Gena Lorainne
84. The customer is not always right. You just make them think they are.
– Mike Mancini
85. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Focus on winning one customer at a time. Be honest and sincere. Do what’s right. There’s nothing magical about this. That’s been my guiding principle. To make it work, you have to live it every day. Make it your mindset.
– Robert Spector
86. Every interaction with your company, whether offline or online, is another opportunity for your customer to determine if you are exceptional or not.
– Lisa Masiello
87. Make a customer, not a sale.
– Katherine Barchetti
88. If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell six friends. If you make customers unhappy on the internet, they can each tell 6,000.
– Jeff Bezos
89. Brand described in 4 words: empower employees, delight customers.
– Lisa Masiello
91. Customers perceive service in their own unique, idiosyncratic, emotional, irrational, end-of-the-day, and totally human terms. Perception is all there is!
– Tom Peters
92. A brand not responding on Twitter is like hanging up the phone on customers. With millions watching.
– Dave Kerpen
93. Customers are like teeth. Ignore them and they’ll go away.
– Jerry Flanagan, State Farm Agent.
94. You know your business model is broken when you‘re suing your customers.
– Paul Graham
95. Common sense is of paramount importance in business and customer service.
– Unknown.
96. The irony of good customer service is that over time it will bring in more new customers than promotions and price slashing ever did!
– Susan Ward
97. Customers want quality, value, speed, convenience, choice and to be appreciated.
– Patricia Fripp
98. Everyone in an organization should be involved with customer service; not only are they feeling the customer but they are getting a feeling for what’s not working.
– Penny Handscomb
99. Customer conversion is dependent on the right customer conversation.
– Rasheed Ogunlaru
Let us know which quote resonated with you the most. We would love to hear from you.