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“Let’s take the entire team out for lunch,” “let’s cut a cake for everyone born in the same month,” or “let’s drink together,” are a few but very popular ways to celebrate a special occasion in today’s corporate world. Great leaders have understood the power of celebrations for better work productivity. Kouzes and Posner’s famous leadership guide, The Leadership Challenge, has ‘celebrate often’ as one of the most important factors for leaders to be able to lead successfully.

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Having stars in a team is one thing and having a star team is another. This statement, to me, underlines the essence of a team. A team begins when the individuality of its members start to blur in a way that a new cohesive entity emerges which is more potent and singularly aligned than the summation of each individual members. It is easier said than done. There are many roadblocks in achieving this potent alignment.

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In my last blog post, I wrote about what goes in laying the foundation of a great team. True, laying the foundation is an important first step, but what next? A team is all about people – and when there are people involved, so is that confounding variable – their emotions and behaviors. So the question I was seeking to answer was: What is it that lights the fire or inspires people to achieve remarkable results while working in teams?

Continue reading “6 Traits of High Performing Teams”

One of the things I love about our work is getting to hear amazing stories from the different teams that we work with. The below post originated from one such story…We were facilitating a leadership team workshop recently, where one of the participants was expressing his skepticism about the success of teams being over attributed to “softer” factors like trust. In his opinion, competency trumped everything else when it came to people working together in teams. This led to a healthy debate amongst the team on how factors like trust can play a role in successful teams. During the discussion, one of the team members remarked: “We are good at demonstrating these behaviors in team building games, but back at work, it is each person for himself! We sometimes do not even trust team members to speak the truth to each other! How can we get away from clichés like trust and work better as team? ” In response, the leader of the team shared a story of the legendary US Navy Blue Angels…….
Continue reading “Stories of Great Teams – Part 3: The US Navy Blue Angels”

In her remarkable book , A Paradise Built in Hell, author Rebecca Solnit describes how in the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters — such as the one that unfolded in Fukushima, Japan — human beings tend to respond by banding together, not tearing apart.

We have often witnessed the same truth being played out in the many crisis that our country has faced – be it the July 26, 2005 deluge in Mumbai, the December 26, 2004 tsunami or the horrific 26/11 Mumbai attacks, all of which saw people coming together to help and offer solace to each other most selflessly.
Continue reading “CRISIS: A Recipe for Good Team work”

In numerous interventions that we facilitate for team building and leadership, one of the common queries that we hear is about the lack of inspiring stories of great teams in domains other than sport. Sports, of course has by its very nature, an ability to capture peoples’ imagination and keep them spellbound with its tales of courage, leadership, team spirit etc, but such stories seem to be fewer in business and other domains.

Continue reading “Stories of Great Teams: Part 1: “Skunk Works”!”

Think about it for a minute – who inspired you the most?

A great sports star often inspires others to take to the sport. A colossus like Mahatma Gandhi inspired a whole nation to follow his path of Satyagraha.  A Mother Teresa inspired kindness and compassion in millions. A call by Anna Hazare got thousands out on the street. For many, it is a parent whose actions inspired. Or just maybe, it was a boss at work who inspired you to be a better professional.
Continue reading “10 ways to inspire your team”