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Virtual Induction Excellence: Building Connections and Team Spirit for Perfetti Van Melle India’s Summer Interns

Perfetti Van Melle India (PVMI) collaborated with FocusU to conduct a virtual induction program for their summer interns, designed to foster informal connections and introduce them to the company’s culture. Initially planned as an in-person event, the lockdown required a pivot to a virtual format. FocusU proposed the “Knowing Me Knowing You” activity, which PVMI enthusiastically embraced.

The session involved 20 interns divided into teams, each participating in virtual breakout rooms where they shared personal insights like aspirations, hobbies, and values. This allowed interns to build deeper connections and facilitated a friendly environment. Following the team discussions, interns used a customized design tool to create creative profiles or “slambooks” for their peers based on shared information.

The session concluded with a debrief, focusing on PVMI’s core values and gathering feedback. PVMI’s HR Manager praised the program’s impact on engagement, with the session capturing the brand’s ethos of fun, connection, and enrichment. This unique virtual approach successfully helped interns feel welcomed, connected, and better integrated into PVMI’s culture​.