Imagine this: After years of planning & promises – you finally manage to take your family to the nearest Disney World, which is in HongKong. The children are besides themselves in excitement. They just can’t wait to get there and meet – who else, the delectable Snow White with her seven dwarfs! Out there at Disney World though, the cast who is playing Snow White is having a not so good day – she is feeling grumpy & tired. Spying a moment when nobody is around, she decides to light up a cigarette and take a quick puff. As luck would have it – that is just the exact same moment when you with your children land up there. The first sight the excited children have of Snow White is of her puffing a cigarette!!! Egad!! …. Can you imagine what would happen? Something shattered silently …. And that was the “dream” and “vision” that children had of Snow White for so many years!
Tag: Book Reviews

Storytelling is an enchanting art. And as an organisation, as it must be evident from our blogs like 4 Short stories to spark conversations, we are absolutely in love with it. Some of the most celebrated business books are also written in a similar format. The 5 dysfunctions of a team is one of the celebrated examples of the same.
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