Blended Learning Journeys | Microlearning Programs | Virtual - FocusU

Blended Learning Journeys

Learning interventions when seen as one-off events are clearly not achieving the desired results. Many Chief Learning Officers, HR managers, and Learning & Development professionals, are beginning to embrace a multidimensional and holistic approach with elements like pre & post interventions, coaching, mobile learning etc. This is blended learning – by bringing together the best of both classroom learning and mobile learning, it delivers significantly greater ROI in learning interventions.

What makes blended learning far more effective than one-off training interventions is that it is engaging, trackable, flexible and cost-effective. Here is a sample learning journey we crafted for one of our clients.

FocusU brings its extensive experience of running various learning interventions, to help organizations chart “blended learning journeys.” What characterizes them is that these learning journeys are spread across various dimensions:

Time: Knowledge dissemination and learning nudges spread over time help prevent information overload. Byte sized modules allow sufficient time to digest, implement and practice, and then proceed to the next level of learning. Pre-training and post-training interactions along with in-event reflections help in this journey.

Space: The 70-20-10 theory of learning says that 70% of learning happens on the job through hands on experiences, 20% happens through peers and other relationships and 10% in the classroom. Instead of viewing the 70 & 20 as being non-training parts, microlearning continues to stay as the invisible thread during these periods, still facilitating social learning.

Relationships: Involving key stakeholders for an individual like their peers, superiors and juniors – helps make the learning much deeper rooted, by acting as a feedback mechanism.

Tools: We create integrated, yet customized learning journeys involving experiential learning, mobile learning, immersive experiences and social learning. By mixing and matching these tools, L&D can closely track learning objectives.

Business linkage: Working closely with the business, keeping the right KPIs in mind and building targeted assignments helps ensure application on the job.

Blended learning journeys by their very nature and scope, require a clear orchestration of efforts between us and the L&D stakeholders in organizations to put it together. It also calls for a long-term commitment to learning from the individual and the organization.

Though such blended learning journeys can be crafted for any intervention, typically organizations invest on such journeys only for leadership programs or Hi-potential programs.

Call us today. We would be glad to partner with you on this journey!

It forced me to learn and grow in spite of dealing with my busy schedule of juggling between work and a new-born back at home... you not only helped me understand new concept in merely 15 mins span to 30 mins., but also challenged me to think through different issues I feel, I should deal with. I should get them sorted mentally in my mind first than in real life... Thank you for helping me GROW my knowledge...
Ketki Desai
Area Asst. - West Region | SMOLLAN