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They say a team is as good as it’s weakest link. When I got into the details to understand this more, it made me realize that there is an I in team. It has been two fantastic years for me working as a facilitator at FocusU. This has enabled me to interact with teams that represent different demographics and has taught me that recognizing individual efforts is very critical to success.

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Teamwork makes all the difference.

Slowly but surely, the wisdom of this statement seems to be seeping in, into corporates. This has reflected in an increasing number of companies now applying thought, effort, resources and time into attacking this challenge of building high performing teams with gusto.
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Never underestimate the power of a strong and united team! From motivating and engaging employees to boosting their performance, team building activities can help ensure you have a happy and talented workforce.

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Whether you are a start-up or a big multinational company it is necessary for HR managers to invest in team building activities. Very often we hear HR managers asking a question that why is it important to invest in team building activities. They often have a doubt that it won’t give them the kind of benefit which they are looking for. But assuming that a team building activity is a sheer waste of time and money is not at all correct. Instead, such activities when organized properly can have numerous benefits both to employees and the organization. Remember, people are the most important asset of any organization and it is never wrong to invest in this important asset.

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Working at a startup is usually fun with fewer restrictions. You can go to work wearing your favorite superhero t-shirt, donning it with your latest pair of canvas shoes you got from your last trip. At startups, be it a team meeting or a client call, the fun element always persists.

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