Tag: Motivation
The City Race Challenge – what an incredible mix of sight-seeing and team building!
What is the Domino effect?
How can we make every employee contribute to an organization’s success? How can we ensure that our most talented employees continue to thrive? How can we keep our employees motivated? These are some of the questions that keep almost every leader up at night.
My job is such an interesting one because it affords me the opportunity to continuously travel and creates opportunities for me to observe individals all across the country. I recently had a particularly interesting trip that I won’t soon forget because of a chance meeting I had with a violinist. I was enjoying breakfast at the hotel restaurant when I noticed a beautiful tune. My eyes began to search for the source of this melody and then I noticed a lean feeble man playing the violin. With a sympathetic look at my face, I watched the rather old man standing throughout his performance, while everyone else around enjoyed their lavish breakfast, the violinist gone unnoticed by them.
First let me explain what “motivational offer” even means. The motivational officer (aka celebration officer) is always the one who looks out for a tonne of reasons to celebrate, like each achievement and milestone. But there’s more to it than just a reason for a cold beer – as Uncle Ben would say, “with great power comes great responsibility!”
Continue reading “6 Steps to Become Your Team’s Motivational Officer”
To do what is comfortable, is human nature. The average human would always choose the path of least resistance over the road less travelled. And yet, a kite can only rise up against the direction of the wind.
Continue reading “20 Ideas To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone”
1. A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.
—Melinda Gates