I recently watched an America war movie inspired by true incidents that happened during the World War II. The script is based on the non-fiction book Unbroken : A World War II Story Of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption; and revolves around the American bombing mission against Japan during the April of 1943. The protagonist is Louise Zamperini, an US Olympian and Army Officer who survives a boat crash only to end up in the Japanese prison camp.
Category: Corporate Leadership
In one of my earlier assignments as a business head, we had a very passionate and driven employee Tanya (name changed).
As she moved into her new role as a Marketing Manager, we were very confident that she would be able to drive the marketing team hard and help the organisation get a competitive edge. However, three months into her new role, the marketing function was struggling with unprecedented internal issues. Her strength suddenly started looking like a weak point, where she got trapped into a “me vs team” situation, which got worse with time as she kept on pushing her views and ideas on the team in a very “my way or highway” approach.
Continue reading “4 Stages of Professional Development for Leaders”
Everyone can be a leader for sure. But that is like saying anyone can quit smoking or everyone can go the gym and be super fit. The only thing that obstructs is intent.
Yes, you heard it right! Even though teenagers are better known for their rebellious attitude and general disregard for authority, I still believe there’s a lot to learn from them. I happen to have a neighbour named Kush. Having seen him grow up in front of my eyes, I have closely witnessed his transformation over the years. His journey from childhood to adolescence has been a delight to watch, and insightful in many ways –
Continue reading “4 Leadership Lessons From The Teenager Next Door”
Leadership, over the years, has come to be defined as a mindset rather than designation. It is a multi-faceted responsibility that includes the ability to inspire, influence, and guide others in your team to help grow and become better, every day.