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Have you ever thought how humans train one of the top predators of the sea? At Sea World, in Orlando, Florida (in the United States), you will be surprised to see killer whales do funny yet mind boggling acts – you can see them playing games with a team of trainers or riding a trainer on their back across a large pool. Sometimes you might see them jumping three to four feet above the water level in a show that mesmerizes the audience. One of the most memorable things in the entire show is the bonding between the trainer and the whale. In the book, Whale Done, by Ken Blanchard, the author mentions how the killer whales establish a personal bond with the trainer over a period of time before they get into the water with the predator. For leaders, it is important to know that there is a possibility to do the impossible. If humans can make a killer whale swim with them and host a show, it is possible for us to work together with people and get things done too! Here are four ultra-productive ways to establish a connection with the people around you.

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With the trend of storytelling penetrating into corporates, it has become imperative for leaders to acquire the art of storytelling. It has been proven in business circles as an excellent way to send out messages across the organization. So if you are beginning your journey as a storyteller, here are ten stories you can use to make a point –

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My work makes me travel to some beautiful places across India. I get to meet people, see new places, and sometimes I get to enjoy the local delicacies of the city too. My recent stretch of travel has been a hectic one, travelling to Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, and Bangalore within a week. This schedule looks attractive to anyone doing a 9 to 5, but it is certainly exhausting. While travel comes with its perks (seeing beautiful cities), it also comes with some downsides too, such as spending your time waiting at the airports, doing nothing.

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“You are born as an original, don’t die as a copy” is a statement that gives us the secret to our dream life. We were born as who we are, yet people around want us to become like someone who we are not. Your manager wants you to act like your super natural colleague, your parents want you to become like your neighbour’s super achieving son, your friend wants you to act like your super talented friend.

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This might not sound convincing, however, ignoring this doesn’t change the reality that ‘Nobody needs motivation’. Yes, Some people might feel bit lost on the way to their destiny and some need a bit more clarity on ‘how’ to reach there. Even those aren’t the people who want to see the motivation arrow hitting them as a target.

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The setting: A quintessential Mumbai local train. This particular coach was pretty much packed. As the train labored its way ahead, with its heavy burden – the crowd inside, rocked back and forth in their seats to its steady rhythm. Most faces wore a blank resigned look, perhaps contemplating their day ahead or perhaps catching up on a moment of quietness, amidst their bustling lives.

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Imagine this: After years of planning & promises – you finally manage to take your family to the nearest Disney World, which is in HongKong. The children are besides themselves in excitement. They just can’t wait to get there and meet – who else, the delectable Snow White with her seven dwarfs! Out there at Disney World though, the cast who is playing Snow White is having a not so good day – she is feeling grumpy & tired. Spying a moment when nobody is around, she decides to light up a cigarette and take a quick puff. As luck would have it – that is just the exact same moment when you with your children land up there. The first sight the excited children have of Snow White is of her puffing a cigarette!!! Egad!! …. Can you imagine what would happen? Something shattered silently …. And that was the “dream” and “vision” that children had of Snow White for so many years!

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Imagine this: Your team at office has been assigned a very unlikely task – to scale a respectably difficult hillock, to pitch in tents there and then of course, the little matter of cooking up your dinner there. Needless to say, there are no “learn-pitching-your-tent-in-7-easy-steps” manual or modern irritants like gas stoves to bother you there. How would you and your team fare?

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Recent times have seen the development of virtual teams across many organizations, owing to massive geographic expansion plans and clustering of specific competencies. During workshops conducted across the country, I have had the opportunity of observing team members of different organizations spread out across vast geographies. They did not possibly fit the bill of the conventional definition of a virtual team – the image coming to mind that of different clusters of individuals working across offshore/onshore locations in a software development firm. But organizations, with operations spread across a country like India with its cultural diversities are as much a virtual team as the former case.  We got a first hand experience of this, when we were speaking to team members in one particular location, whose manager happened to belong to a state which was as different from the team’s as could be, right from the language spoken to understanding of their roles! Such scenarios are becoming exceedingly common, and it becomes important to examine some of the things we can do better while managing these “virtual” teams as well, separated by distance and culture.  Below are some of my thoughts on the subject
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