Have you ever thought how humans train one of the top predators of the sea? At Sea World, in Orlando, Florida (in the United States), you will be surprised to see killer whales do funny yet mind boggling acts – you can see them playing games with a team of trainers or riding a trainer on their back across a large pool. Sometimes you might see them jumping three to four feet above the water level in a show that mesmerizes the audience. One of the most memorable things in the entire show is the bonding between the trainer and the whale. In the book, Whale Done, by Ken Blanchard, the author mentions how the killer whales establish a personal bond with the trainer over a period of time before they get into the water with the predator. For leaders, it is important to know that there is a possibility to do the impossible. If humans can make a killer whale swim with them and host a show, it is possible for us to work together with people and get things done too! Here are four ultra-productive ways to establish a connection with the people around you.