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The plot is laid. The location is set. The target is here. We just have to execute everything at right time and place! The plan is to steal the golden route to the airport. We will have to hijack the city’s traffic control system to get the car with the gold on the planned spot to execute the robbery.

Continue reading “How to Train Your Manager: A Roadmap to New Manager Training”

The Made in India guy, Milind Soman, is making all the right kinds of news these days. The 51-year-old just completed one of the toughest marathons in the world – The Ultraman Marathon. We have reason to celebrate because he has set a new fitness benchmark for people across all ages. I remember him as someone who was the first to set new trends in every industry he went into. This made me write about his life stories, which I summarize with a concept I call limitless leadership. Here are a few observations to help us discover the leader within and go beyond personal boundaries.

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In one of my earlier assignments as a business head, we had a very passionate and driven employee Tanya (name changed).
As she moved into her new role as a Marketing Manager, we were very confident that she would be able to drive the marketing team hard and help the organisation get a competitive edge. However, three months into her new role, the marketing function was struggling with unprecedented internal issues. Her strength suddenly started looking like a weak point, where she got trapped into a “me vs team” situation, which got worse with time as she kept on pushing her views and ideas on the team in a very “my way or highway” approach.

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For most organisations, the pandemic brought to surface unexpected talent, creativity, and resilience. Many mid-level employees stepped up and took charge of the situation. They handled the unexpected challenges with unprecedented creativity and a strong bias for action. These entrepreneurial team members have really changed the game for everyone, everywhere. Regardless of the size of the organisation, these team members showed initiative and devised innovative solutions, employing cross-functional resources to optimise the productivity for all.

Continue reading “Your Team Stepped Up During The Pandemic. Now, It’s Your Turn.”