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Induction Programs

A well-structured induction program familiarizes new hires with the company structure and ethos while exciting them to join the team. From day one, it must create a good first impression and make the person feel part of the team. Not only does this boost productivity and company morale, but it also lowers attrition rates.

Business Impact

Ideally Suitable For

  • Middle-level Managers
  • HR Professionals
  • Department Heads
  • CEOs
  • Senior Managers

The delivery will be customised as per the needs of the learning cohort.

What you will learn in Induction Programs

How is this activity available?



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Available in -

  • Gamification Gamification
This course includes:
  • modules 3 modules
  • fun challenges Duration: 90-120 minutes
  • Duration of 3 hours 1 case study
  • 25+ fun challengesIdeal for: 20-30 participants at a time
  • Participant handbook
  • Pre-work assignment (optional)
  • Post-work assignment (optional)
  • Pocket insights (optional)
  • Manager Insights (optional)

The Induction Programs course will help you:

  • Build programs that make a  good impression on new hires
  • Strategize techniques to familiarize inductees with company procedures, policies and job-specific information
  • Introduce company culture and ethos and build a sense of belongingness
  • Address new job concerns
  • Design programs for participants to connect and bond with other employees
  • Lower employee attrition rate

The Induction Program course will cover:

  • Understanding the need for effective induction programs
  • Best practices for induction programs
    • Different strokes for different folks
    • Leveraging technology
    • Facilitating informal interactions
    • Building pride
    • Building a sense of community
    • Early wins
    • Creating roadmaps
  • Things to avoid when designing induction programs
    • Limiting induction programs to the joining day
    • Information overload
    • Insufficient interaction with reporting manager
    • Delays and stretched-out programs
  • Industry examples of effective induction programs
  • Themes that can make an induction program memorable
    • We before Me
    • From We to Me
    • Agile Mindset
    • Gamified Learning
  • Planning virtual induction programs

Frequently asked questions

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We are glad you asked that question. Every learning intervention starts with the question "Why?" and "What is the difference you want to see at the workplace because your learner attended this session?" Once we are clear, our learning designers put together a thoughtfully curated learning journey that could be a mix of different methodologies, chosen to suit your learning environment. Besides this, to aid learning, we can (optionally) buttress it through:

  • A pre-learning assignment for learners to know where they stand before the journey.
  • A participant handbook that aids the learner in returning to what was covered during the session and reviewing it again, thus helping in learning reinforcement.
  • A post-learning assignment for learners to know where they stand after the journey. Assessing the gap in learning helps learners in bridging it.
  • Pocket insights - a ready reckoner with the key concepts that can either be carried along or be pinned up as a ready reminder.
  • Manager Essentials - tips (for the managers of the learners) to recognize behavioral changes and create an environment that encourages the learners to put what they have learned to practice.
  • Post-learning application of learning at the workplace through a specific project.
We try to capture the impact of every learning intervention through an impact report that is then shared with clients.

For each workshop, we can help you with three different teasers you can customize and share periodically with participants to build excitement and get traction.

On each topic page, you will see icons on the right that clarify this. This is how you decode them:

  • ILT (Instructor-led Training) - ILT (Instructor-led Training)
  • VILT (Virtual Instructor-led Training) - VILT (Virtual Instructor-led Training)
  • OBS (Online Business Simulation) - OBS (Online Business Simulation)
  • ML (Microlearning) - ML (Microlearning)
  • MC (Masterclass) - MC (Masterclass)
  • SDP (Storified Digital Products Asynchronous) - SDP (Storified Digital Products - Asynchronous)
  • DIY (Do It Yourself) - DIY (Do It Yourself)

Every single workshop is customized to the precise customer need and brief. Our client advisory team will work closely with you to understand your context and pass it on to the execution team.

You can download a program overview from each of the topic pages. Do note that while this will give you a broad structure of the workshop, our learning designers will still need to talk with you to customize the workshop to your context.

Thousands of businesses of all sizes, from
startups to large enterprises trust us

  •  compnany logo

    After the workshop I felt like, FocusU had made me see what actually was inside me and what actually I am.I think now I know myself better and why I am here.

    2013 BATCH
    IOCL Induction Programme
  •  compnany logo

    Thank you for a wonderful one day offsite on team building for our freshers. This is the first time we did such an intervention and I am very happy we chose FocusU to partner with us. The session has achieved its intended objective of driving the message of our core values, the need for team spirit, and has left the participants with a perspective about themselves that they perhaps did not have.

    Sridevi Rao
    IMRB International Vice President & Head, HR
  •  compnany logo

    I would like to thank FocusU team for organizing a perfect outbound for us. The team exercises were a beautiful combination of fun and learning. Probably the best way for colleagues to know each other in a short span of time. Innovative games and energizers which never got dull and kept everyone interested and energized at all times.

    Himanshu Batra
    GET Pepsico
  •  compnany logo

    The experience was the best, which I want to carry lifelong. The best workshop ever attended. It really changed the way I look at life and society.

    Rakesh Ranjan Sahoo
    IOCL Assistant Officer
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