Creating a Shared Vision
A 1996 HBR article, James Collins and Jerry Porras showed that companies with a strong sense of vision had outperformed the others in the stock market by a factor of 12 since 1925! Clearly there is a strong case for teams to craft a compelling vision!
Business Impact
Ideally Suitable For
The delivery will be customised as per the needs of the learning cohort.
What you will learn in Creating a Shared Vision
How is this activity available?
Instructor-led Training (ILT)
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Available in -
Instructor-led Training (ILT)
This course includes:
3 modules
Duration: 90-120 minutes
1 case study
Ideal for: 20-30 participants at a time
The workshop ensures that:
Each such visioning workshop is customised to the specific team. The broad structure these workshops follow is:
- Getting familiar with the Lego Serious Play methodology
- Defining the current state
- Describing the aspirational state
- Understanding the gap to be bridged
- Arriving at simple guiding principles to solve the problem
Frequently asked questions
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All material needed for the execution of the workshop will be arranged by FocusU.
For each workshop, we can help you with three different teasers you can customize and share periodically with participants to build excitement and get traction.
You can download a program overview from each of the topic pages. While this will give you an overall workshop structure, our learning designers will still need to talk with you to customize the workshop to your context.
Every single workshop (except the asynchronous self-paced modules) is customized to the precise customer need and brief. Our client advisory team will work closely with you to understand your context and pass it on to the execution team.