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Reposting a fantastic post that I came across in the Harvard blog posts about a no-nonsense approach to team building.

The author – Marshall Goldsmith is recognized as one of the world’s leading executive educators and coaches. His 30 books include What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and MOJO

Do you have any suggestions on how I can improve teamwork and coordination with my team?

I would suggest a very simple and practical process that I call “team building without time wasting.” The steps in the process are:
Continue reading “Teambuilding without Time Wasting”

Conversations – especially in a team scenario can often be like an Adventure. We know for sure where we are starting from, but like rivulets that find their own path as they gather momentum, if you ride along with them, you often reach such unexpected destinations.

One of the pleasures of being a Facilitator is being a part of such rides. The place was Goa and the activity we were conducting was called, “Mouse Trap”. As the name goes, the activity involved, “arming” a real life miniature mouse-trap and then, “dis-engaging” it. The activity involves a slight risk that, if not done carefully, the clamp could come down quite painfully on one of the fingers. As in most experiential activities though, the bark was scarier than the bite.
Continue reading “Lessons From The MouseTrap Challenge”

What brings people in groups closer together to form a more cohesive team?

A voice from above would perhaps say, “Well, this is going to take a long time!”. But the short and crisp answer we would say is : “Challenges”.

And so, when we received a request from an MNC to conduct a Team building program for a group of 120 people – mostly foreigners, here in India for a sales meet – the question in our mind was, “What is the challenge we can setup for them which is just optimum enough to get them excited, intrigued and at the same time, successful?”.
Continue reading “Teambuilding through Treasure Hunting!”

Most of us are familiar with Bruce Tuckmans’s model of team development. This typically gets a passing mention as one of the theoretical frameworks used in most team building programs, but no efforts are made to see which stage of team development the team is currently in, and/or how do we guide the team through the stages.

Bruce Tuckmans's model of team development

Source: Flickr

Continue reading “Team Performance Questionnaire”

“Well begun is half done” – so goes a tried and tested saying. When it comes to conducting Team building programs that is one piece of advice you would do well to heed. The mood and tone that is set in the first few minutes of a team building program goes a long way in ensuring its success.
Continue reading “Why A Good Start Is Essential In Team Building Programs?”

Some of the most intense team building sessions that we have had the privilege of facilitating, have happened when we managed to break through a glass ceiling of trust amongst the members, and people truly & openly spoke and shared some of their deepest feelings, fears, hopes, influences, apprehensions and achievements. Yes, we are true believers in the Power of a Huddle!

But over a period of doing many such workshops, one of the realizations that has slowly crept on us is that, much as we would like it, the magic that happens within a group of people huddling in conversation, often times does not happen automatically – it needs to be facilitated.
Continue reading “Managing Conversations During Teambuilding”

Never before has any single event transformed a nation of so many disparate cultures and colors under one color – Blue!!Yes folks, blue is officially the new black!! From ads exhorting you to bleed blue to having the Indian team picture posted on any blue surface worth noticing, there has not been any shortage of innovative ways to use the blue color during this world cup. Sport has been always been viewed as having the potential to unite people, a classic example being the brilliant movie on the World Cup winning South African Rugby team –
Continue reading “Cricket: For team bonding!!”

I recently had the opportunity to read the work by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman – “First Break all the rules: What the world’s greatest managers do differently”. The book is based on extensive research done by Gallup on measuring workplace effectiveness and how some of the best managers in the world handle their teams. The extensiveness of empirical research to arrive at the findings is evident from the sheer numbers involved, over 105,000 employees across 2500 business units in different industries!! I found the questions used as a “measuring stick” by the study exhaustive and very powerful even in measuring the effectiveness of teams in organizations.

First break all the rules - book

Source: Amazon.in
Here are 12 of the most powerful questions that teams can use as a dipstick of where they stand.
Continue reading “The ‘Measuring Stick’ : 12 Questions For Team Effectiveness”

As a Facilitator, I find satisfaction in meeting clients, getting to know their objectives and translating them into Experiential Learning activities.

Facilitating an entire program is an invigorating, exciting experience for me, especially so when the team is able to meet their learning objectives and they shake our hands at the end of the day, saying: ‘Thank you so much – we had a great time!’
Continue reading “Facilitating with Excellence”


  • Getting to  know team members better
  • Recognizing inherent strengths within the team
  • Respecting personal differences


This is a very simple and interesting exercise to understand the different strengths that individual members bring to the team and designing a team charter. It is especially useful for senior teams, who might have reservations about opening up in a team building workshop.  This works best for small groups of up-to 10-15 people.

team exercise

Source: jba

Continue reading “The Road Ahead: Leadership Team Exercise”