facebook Manager Training Archives - Focus U

Introduction: Transitioning to a Managerial Role

The shift from being an individual contributor to a managerial role is both exciting and challenging. New managers are expected to lead teams, make strategic decisions, and drive performance. However, this transition requires a new set of skills that go beyond technical expertise. To be successful, new managers must develop a range of leadership and interpersonal skills. This blog post explores the top skills that every new manager should learn to excel in their roles.

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5 Tips for HR Managers to Improve Employee Engagement at Work

A study by Gallup says that 87 percent of employees worldwide are disengaged, which is not at all a good sign. We all know that employee engagement is critical for the success of any organization. “To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace,” says Doug Conant. What should HR managers do to engage employees?

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5 Tips For New Managers

I had an interesting conversation recently with a business leader about employees taking up people management roles for the first time. Individual contributors who do well in their roles, get promoted to people managers as a natural career progression in most companies. His concern was well founded – how do we promote people without measuring their ability to manage people?

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The plot is laid. The location is set. The target is here. We just have to execute everything at right time and place! The plan is to steal the golden route to the airport. We will have to hijack the city’s traffic control system to get the car with the gold on the planned spot to execute the robbery.

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Quite often we hear senior managers, corporate trainers, and business leaders search for the right content for training their new managers. Try googling “new managers training PPT” and you will get thousands of them. But power point presentations are just not enough. To train your new managers, you also need audio-visual aids to make the learning stick. And what can be better than movie clippings that deliver powerful message. Movie clippings bring together emotions, characters, and a story that is sure to make a huge impact.

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