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A 25-day mental wellness journey using microlearning and gamification

A 25-day mental wellness journey using microlearning and gamification

Table of Contents


Keeping employees’ mental health in mind, the organization’s management team requested an impactful program that not only protects and enhances employees’ overall mental health but also does that in a way that is engaging and time-efficient. As all employees could not commit the same amount of time at once, we created a solution that would require nuggets of time from each employee and encourage all employees to leverage the program at its best


The objective of this program was to:

(a) Encourage mental wellbeing

(b) Introduce participants to various mental well-being practices such as gratitude, compassion, sleep schedules, and more

(c) To encourage the formation of sustainable habits

Solution and execution

Mental health is not only a complex issue to resolve but also very subjective. While employees want to be at work on the whole, some struggle with concentrating, while others have problems with juggling tasks or communicating effectively. To reap the benefits of the program, it was important for employees to have multiple support choices. Therefore, RamG Vallath, a wellness coach and a best-selling author, worked with the FocusU team to co-curate the entire program. Nine traits that are the bed-rock of mental well-being were converted into simple yet exciting challenges that were made available to the participants one day at a time, so as to encourage participants to spend a few minutes each day on their mental wellbeing.

These were:

    1. Gratitude
    2. Physical wellness
    3. Compassion
    4. Self-confidence
    5. Sense of humor
    6. Authenticity
    7. Peace of mind
    8. Personal Integrity
    9. A Passion-filled life

These challenges were spread across 25 days so as to ensure participants were not overwhelmed and could easily spend a few minutes every day consistently and consciously. The importance of each trait and all challenges in cultivating the trait were explained through short videos. As an example, here is how the first 3 challenges out of the 25 challenges turned out: Challenge 1: Thank one person who has contributed to your success. Focusing on gratitude, this challenge served as a great reminder to participants that they are not alone and that they have people – be it friends, family, colleagues – to who support them. Challenge 2: List down all the things you are grateful for. To bring light to their current situation, we challenged the participants to count their blessings and relive the joy of those blessings and strengths. Challenge 3: Identify one good thing that happened because of a bad experience. Participants were encouraged to view their bad experiences from a different perspective and realize how things fall into place. Some screenshots from the app:



To understand the degree of impact, we requested participants to share their experiences with us. With 300+ active participants spread across 35 teams, we received an average feedback rating of 4.2 on a scale of 1 to 5. The application allowed for peer motivation through upvotes and peer comments, and was complemented by a team and a player leaderboard that kept the spirits high. We asked participants to share one element of the challenges they will take with them and continue to do in the future in professional and personal aspects. Here’s what the participants had to say: Thank a person for success Yoga challenge Meditation challenge Peace time Help a colleague Good thing from a bad experience Incedents & feelings Besides individual experiences, we also wanted to understand how relevant each of these 9 traits was. Here’s what participants mentioned:

Participant feedback (stated here verbatim):

  • Provokes us to think on things which we never do but is necessary, I like how people are engaged into the activities and talk about it during their free time.
  • This concept is really good thought to reduce the stress.
  • The concept is paving the way to create a cool and happy person.
  • Once again thanks to the team.
  • This program covered all subjects in our life.
  • This was very helpful to recall our old memories.
  • It’s very fun and energetic and always loved to do task Relaxation in between work Visibility of progress and scores.
  • The way of organized content to engage.

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