New Manager Blended Learning Journey | Microlearning - FocusU

New Manager Blended Learning Journey

You have put your new managers through a highly engaging new manager training program done in an experiential manner. What next?

Old habits die hard. The natural instinct for most people who are first time managers is to fall back upon those same skills that made them so successful as an individual contributor. While workshop interventions are important in teaching new skills, unless the learning is constantly buttressed with small nudges, reminders and application – most learning tends to dissipate.

How do we ensure the learning sticks? Enter: The New Manager Blended Learning Journey.

The offering delivered through a mobile device addresses this issue through an innovative, experiential and hands-on design which gives new managers a tool to fall back on, long after the workshop intervention has been completed.

By refreshing concepts, by getting learners to think and share in their learning cohorts, the learning is slowly converted to behaviours.

By being available anywhere, anytime, 24×7, learners get a safe space to engage and assimilate the new skills needed to succeed in their new role.

The FocusU microlearning platform ensures that new managers:
⦁ Are aware of the key milestones in their learning journey.
⦁ Integrate learning seamlessly into their daily activities without impacting productivity.
⦁ Can check their progress on a real time basis and correct their course if required
⦁ Apply the workshop principles at work through innovatively designed exercises.
⦁ Learn from each other through collaboration
⦁ Stay engaged through a variety of gamification elements on the platform
⦁ Have a safe space to practice their learnings and clarify doubts.

As the HR partner or L&D team member, you can monitor the progress of the learning journey and also gauge the engagement and confidence levels of your learners. You can use the dashboard to generate reports and insights and constantly encourage people towards completion.

Call us today. We would be glad to partner with you on this journey!

Thank you FocusU team and Smollan L&D team for designing such a wonderfully continuous learning program, it acted like small and effective doses to look for what next...and what more coming once way to improve. Case studies chosen were all relevant for my Global Development Team & I could not ask for more. Let’s plan for some monthly 1 hour on premise confluence sessions. Thanks once again.
Vijay Varshney
Head of Technology - MESA | SMOLLAN