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Why Communication Is An Important Leadership Trait?

Why Communication Is An Important Leadership Trait?

The history of the world has seen some great leaders throughout time. Do you know what was common amongst all of them? They were great communicators. The primary task of a leader is to inspire their followers. It is not about talking – it is about making others talk. It is not about hearing – it is about listening. It is not about using power – it is about empowering them. It is not about finding problems – it is about finding solutions.

Leadership is not a position or title. It is an action and example.

If you are a manager or a senior member handling a team, you must be aware that it can be overwhelming to be in that position. You are the one responsible and accountable for your team’s actions. Therefore, it is imperative for you to practise certain values and imbibe them in your personality to transform from a manager to a leader. They say leaders never stop learning. Start your process towards becoming a leader with these words of wisdom, and the rest will follow.

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” –John C. Maxwell

Great leaders have a vision. They sure cannot see the future, but through planning and implementation, they can well predict the future and take the ‘first mover advantage.’ It is essential for every leader to have a clear goal and a strategically drafted plan to put the idea into implementation. Certainly, there are times when your team faces obstacles, but a leader has the capability to uplift their team’s spirits and help them achieve more. This not only motivates the team, but also inspires them. It also means that leaders should focus on the needs of the company and act according to the situation. It is imperative for leaders to ensure that everyone is focused and contributing their maximum potential towards achieving the organizational goal. However, it is also vital for a leader to help every individual achieve personal goals and align them with the company’s.

“Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.” –John C. Maxwell

Micromanage is just the word that every leader should stay away from. Being a leader is all about empowering your followers, i.e., team members. Delegate tasks and provide them with the necessary resources to help them perform tasks and achieve organisation objectives. It will not only develop their trust and confidence, but will also leave you with more time to focus on significant decision-making matters.

“Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems.” –Brian Tracy

When you talk like a leader, it is essential that you speak to a group as you would speak to an individual. This means that every individual in your audience – a small meeting or a large gathering – should feel that you are talking to him or her one-on-one. A leader should be able to connect emotionally with their audience and transfer their energy to them. Additionally, every leader should know what, when, and how to talk to whom. This means that you should not speak what you want to deliver; instead, you should tell your audience what they need to hear. This means a leader should be aware of the need to alter the message according to the situation, time and response of others. While speaking is important, it is also essential to listen to your followers. Leaders are always great listeners. It means not only listening to their concerns and suggestions, but also making them feel that they are valued and cared.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” –Warren Bennis

Steve Jobs, one of the greatest visionary of all times, once said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” The world is constantly changing and evolving at a breakneck pace. This makes it imperative for a leader to be creative and innovative. Drawing heavily on these two attributes, every leader must work effortlessly along with their team to achieve organisational goals and generate desired results. A leader should have out-of-the-box thinking to turn the ideas into reality.

“Leadership is practised not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.” –Harold S. Geneen

A leader should be the epitome of honesty, integrity, confidence, morals and so much more. To their followers, leaders are their idols in many ways. And we know that many followers diligently pursue their leader in their traits, personality, actions and everything else. You cannot expect your followers to be honest with you if you yourself lack those qualities. A successful leader is one who sticks to their values and beliefs no matter what. A leader is someone who commands, which is why they should be filled with confidence and enthusiasm. Furthermore, a great leader knows the importance of ‘WE’ instead of ‘ME.’ Therefore, every leader should be empathetic and compassionate towards the emotions of their followers. If they feel cared about and important, they will respect you and follow you in whatever you do.

Nelson Mandela once said, “Lead from the back and let others believe they are in front.” This is what a leader is all about. They should learn to keep their followers ahead of them in everything. With adequate leadership training, every manager can become a leader. Leaders are not born, they are made, which is why every organisation must support their managers and groom them through leadership exercises to help them practise effective leadership. Last but not the least tip for you managers out there, be the leader you want to follow.

Conduct empowering leadership activities to groom your managers!

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