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The Union | MBTI based Leadership Workshop
To take a group of very senior doctors and health care professionals through a two day Leadership engagement. The key objectives defined for the intervention were to understand self and others better, discuss the challenges of working as a single team, arrive at consensus of future ways of working together as a single team.
Considering the seniority of the group, there was a need felt by the internal stakeholders to use some widely accepted psychometric tool to anchor the workshop. After understanding the participant profile and some of the internal challenges, we zeroed in on the MBTI instrument.
One of the most widely used personality instruments in the world, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is used in the workplace, so that participants gain self awareness of their working behavior, drawing out their potential and improving relationships.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) began with an online assessment which was administered around 2 weeks before the actual workshop. In the actual workshop, participants were first introduced to the differences behind the apparent similarities – and guided through a step-by-step process, through which they arrived upon their own individual Type. Once individual Type is determined satisfactorily, the workshop then moved on to determine the big picture composition of the group and highlighted how different people react to the circumstances around them.
The workshop was a revealing and surprising experience for participants. “Do you really think like that?” we heard participants ask each other.
Through an engaging two days that was interspersed with intense discussions, lot of laughter and engaging activities, the team came together to chart out new understanding between its members and a new way of working together.
Here is what Pooja Agarwal, the Head of Human Resources for The Union had to say about the whole intervention:
“As an important and defining step towards focused Leadership development at International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (the Union), South-East Asia office, FocusU helped us design and conduct the initiation workshop with the Senior Management Team. We needed a competent, experienced, confident and flexible partner to pair with us on this journey and FocusU team performed with excellence. It was not easy to keep a group of highly experienced Doctors and seasoned professionals engaged through the two days. FocusU team did a great job navigating the group with confidence. The FocusU team also added the element of colour and fun through the pictures and videos they captured. We all enjoyed and therefore learned through the process with lots of laughter, fun and new insights. FocusU is now working with us to conduct our Annual Staff team building meet with 100 staff members at Goa. Working with the same team, I am sure, will be a pure delight for all of us!”