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Reposting a fantastic post that I came across in the Harvard blog posts about a no-nonsense approach to team building.

The author – Marshall Goldsmith is recognized as one of the world’s leading executive educators and coaches. His 30 books include What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and MOJO

Do you have any suggestions on how I can improve teamwork and coordination with my team?

I would suggest a very simple and practical process that I call “team building without time wasting.” The steps in the process are:
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Conversations – especially in a team scenario can often be like an Adventure. We know for sure where we are starting from, but like rivulets that find their own path as they gather momentum, if you ride along with them, you often reach such unexpected destinations.

One of the pleasures of being a Facilitator is being a part of such rides. The place was Goa and the activity we were conducting was called, “Mouse Trap”. As the name goes, the activity involved, “arming” a real life miniature mouse-trap and then, “dis-engaging” it. The activity involves a slight risk that, if not done carefully, the clamp could come down quite painfully on one of the fingers. As in most experiential activities though, the bark was scarier than the bite.
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The four stages of team forming is an evergreen model used by countless facilitators who conduct teambuilding or leadership related workshops. Frequently, though – it is just touched upon in a very superficial way. The model though holds great substance and relevance while conducting experiential team building activities.
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