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Initially, when I started reading Born Standing Up by Steve Martin, I was not sure I would be able to complete it. I lost my interest in between. But momma raised no quitter and as I kept reading page after page, I ultimately found myself looking forward to the next chapter.
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People familiar with Patrick Lencioni’s “5 Dysfunctions of a Team” will be delighted to realise that he has turned the formula upside down to reveal more insights into the concept of efficient leadership for CEOs. This book starts with “Result” as the first temptation of a CEO and ends with “Trust” as the last one!
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Reading biographies of great leaders and accomplished people is something I really enjoy doing! Recently, I picked this book titled AB. Yes, you got it right! It’s the biography of AB De Villiers, an amazing South African cricketer. He is revered as one of the finest batsmen of our times. He has played marvellously in almost every format of the Gentleman’s Game – be it One-day, T20, or even Test cricket!
I read this wonderful book last month after a friend gifted it to me. And it goes without saying that it was one of the best gifts I have received. The little things I learnt from the Japanese secret is helping me become a happier person with each passing day. Ikigai finds its origins in the Japanese island of Okinawa, home to the largest population of centenarians in the world. The philosophy is based on discovering your passion and living a life driven by purpose.
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What if I told you: All the Disney secrets are carefully compiled in a book called Disney U, by Doug Lipp – the former head trainer for Disney International? Just go ahead and buy this masterpiece first. If you cannot do that, see the video here:
The setting: A quintessential Mumbai local train. This particular coach was pretty much packed. As the train labored its way ahead, with its heavy burden – the crowd inside, rocked back and forth in their seats to its steady rhythm. Most faces wore a blank resigned look, perhaps contemplating their day ahead or perhaps catching up on a moment of quietness, amidst their bustling lives.