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Spontaneity is Overrated

Spontaneity is Overrated

There. I said it. Spontaneity is over-rated.  And much so…

What people see as spontaneity is in fact gems pulled out from the bag of experience. These are gems that have been collected and polished to a sheen over the years, and that they have stood the test of time. Spontaneity is a result of being well-prepared. In 1940 Winston Churchill memorized each word of his maiden speech in House of Commons, leaving nothing to chance! Because he memorized it and knew it by heart, he delivered a speech that is amongst the most memorable speeches of all times, popularly known today as “Blood, Sweat, and Tears.”  Another example of prepared spontaneity at work is the most successful host of the Oscars, Billy Crystal.

In our work as facilitators of corporate workshops, “spontaneity” plays an important role. It is the ingredient that adds flavor to the performance and helps us connect with the participants. However, just like Churchill, the script needs to be memorized so that it becomes second nature and makes every moment of performance, memorable. Spontaneity is born from confidence of knowing the content intimately.  On the flip side, spontaneity without any preparation is a sure-shot recipe for disaster. It may lead to loss of face or worse, lost business. Imagine you’re the host at the Oscars and you screw up the punch lines of your jokes! In showbiz, you just committed professional and personal hara-kiri!

For business to succeed, that first workshop is the golden key that opens doors to a long term association with clients.  For that first intervention to be a rip roaring success, memorize the performance, practice those jokes beforehand, anticipate questions, and have answers and anecdotes ready. Then and only then, spontaneity will bloom! After all, first impressions are lasting impressions.


Be Prepared. Be Spontaneous. Be Successful.

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