facebook Did You “Microlearn” Today? - Focus U

Did You “Microlearn” Today?

Did You “Microlearn” Today?

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Yesterday afternoon, we were all craving for some Biryani at home. With the current Covid-19 situation, we have been cautious about ordering food. But the heart wants what it wants and we simply had to have Biryani for lunch! So, what did I do? In a typical millennial fashion, I searched some blog posts for some easy recipes. Within 15 minutes, I had understood the ‘essence’ of it and for lunch, we were able to have some Chicken Biryani!

(…well ok, maybe a distant cousin of it!)

Later that night, around 11 PM, when my 4-months-old  munchkin had finally settled in for the night, I logged on to a popular mobile application on my phone. This app has a huge collection of activities that Moms can do with their babies to enable their growth and development. I watched the videos of 3 activities, each approximately a minute long, focusing on various aspects of development – cognitive, physical, and social.

But, you must be wondering what has one got to do with the other!?

In two bursts of approximately 10 minutes each, I had developed two new and important skills! Similarly, throughout the day, each one of us keeps learning/acquiring knowledge and skills in short bursts, usually on the go. Be it reading an article, watching a video or simply using an app. If you were to unlock your phone right now, I am pretty sure that you would have at least 3 to 4 apps that help you pick up new skills.

Interestingly, Microlearning is a “not – so – micro” part of our everyday lives!

What is Microlearning?

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It is the format of learning where we learn in short bursts, consuming information usually  ‘bite sized’, enabling us to learn anytime, anywhere, and on the go!

(Imagine – rolled up under a blanket at 11 pm in the night and completing your daily dose of learning Spanish online)

We humans are constantly bombarded with stimuli throughout the day. Try working at your desk for an hour, soon you would be looking at your phone for new messages, take a call from your colleague or you might find yourself feeling thirsty and get up for a glass of water. It is difficult to stay focused on a task at hand for hours at stretch. In this kind of scenario, Microlearning is a great way to learn!

With more and more organisations opting for WFH on a continued basis, the microlearning format of learning is going to get further traction. One might ask though – learning this way – in short bursts, is it really effective? Well, we suggest you try it for yourself to discover the magic of microlearning!

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