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8 Things That Can Help Fight Anxiety During The Lockdown

8 Things That Can Help Fight Anxiety During The Lockdown

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The current lockdown is here to stay, at least for the time being. And it is important to follow the guidelines strictly to show our respect for the corona warriors and further enable the concerned authorities to beat the deadly Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). 

However, this unprecedented situation has taken a toll on most people’s mental health, with anxiety being the most commonly experienced problem by people. Uncertainty brings with it a sense of losing control; and this can get overpowering for a lot of people. One of the best ways to deal with such overwhelming emotions is to stay busy. However, that in no way means being consumed by work. This is because even though the lines between work and life can easily get blurry, it is important to take time out for recreational activities. A well balanced routine will not only help you feel more in control but also help curb anxiety and Similar unsettling emotions. 

Here are a few easy things you can invest your time in –

Read A Book

Reading a novel, an interesting fable, or magazine will not only keep you engaged but also boost your memory and allow positive mood and happiness to get rid of the boredom. For people who haven’t an avid fan of reading might be surprised to discover the benefits of picking up this habit, now that they have time to do so. And for the bibliophiles out there, this lockdown is the perfect chance to catch up on all the reading you have been missing!

So, go ahead, grab your favourite book, get a comfortable corner of your room, and enjoy reading.

Spend Time With Your Family

One of the best moments which you long for throughout your life is spending quality time with your family and kids. And, yet the lockdown seems to have us all engrossed in chasing deadlines and not giving our family members enough time.

So, instead of hiding behind a screen the whole time, take a break and engage with your daily members. Hold your kids close, tell them stories, and make memories!

Practise Yoga

Finding your inner balance in extremely important, especially in the current times.Practicing yoga can help improve your circulatory and cardio health, respiratory system, regulate your weight, achieve balanced metabolism, and enhance your overall physical as well as psychological health.

Cook Your Favourite Delicacies

Often, even for the people who enjoy cooking, time becomes a constraint and they rarely get to relish this therapeutic hobby. This lockdown has brought families closer than ever and a lack of household is turning a lot of people into ‘Masterchefs.‘  And if you’re re someone who has never tried it before, giving it a shot might turn out to be a pleasant surprise!

Beautify Your Home

Cleanliness is next to godliness! How about finally cleaning out your closet? Or change that bulb you have meaning to, since forever? The lockdown period is a brilliant time to make all such small changes that remain pending for months.

Magic of Music

“Without music, life would be a mistake.” 

This one goes without saying – take some time out of your busy day and let music take over! A good playlist, is indeed, an unmatched weapon.

Movie Night!

Whether you enjoy the dramatic #Masala movies of Bollywood or prefer a more artistic take on celluloid, this is your time to catch up on all the movie you have missed out in the recent past! So go on, grab some popcorn and enjoy a movie night all by yourself, or cuddle in with your family for the latest Netflix special!


“Your goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.”– Swami Muktananda

The more you are at peace with yourself, the easier it will be for you to deal with that ever-changing external environment. So, we encourage you to take a few minutes of your day to just be..


Do let us know if there are other things that you have been trying and how it is helping you!

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