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5 Inspirational TEDx Talks You Need to See

5 Inspirational TEDx Talks You Need to See

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“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Sometimes this is easier said than done, but, not impossible if you have a little inspiration. The 5 TEDx talks below will make you laugh, push you to introspect, and challenge your assumptions. With themes from authenticity to adaptability to innovation and more, these 5 talks are just 5 of many beautiful talks found on the TED site. Enjoy these. Then ask yourself: what’s your story? Where are you at in your personal journey? 

tedtalks- ideas worth spreading

  1. Amy Purdy: Living Beyond Limits:

    In her heartfelt talk, Amy Purdy tells us of losing her legs at age 19 and how she pushed beyond her circumstances to become not only a world-class snowboarder, but an innovator and inspiration to many. Dreams don’t stop even when life puts roadblocks in your way.
  1. William Kamkwamba: How I Harnessed the Wind:

    In his brief talk, William Kamkwamba tells his story of hard times and hunger pushing him to be resourceful and creative in a rural Malawi. From a village in Africa to a stage in England, Kamkwamba tells his story and forces others to challenge their preconceived notions and imaginary boundaries in their own lives.
  1. Neil Pasricha: The 3 A’s of Awesome:

    From happiness to heartbreak, Neil Pasricha tells us his story of Awesome. In his funny and moving talk, he tells us the 3 A’s of Awesome: attitude, awareness, and authenticity. Pasricha uses these 3 ideas as a framework for living life to the fullest. Don’t forget to enjoy the little things in life.
  1. Emilie Wapnick: Why Some of us Don’t Have One True Calling:

    Multipotentialite. It’s a mouthful to say, but it basically means you are someone who has many passions and interests in life; you’re a modern day renaissance person. In her talk, Wapnick tells us of multipotentialite superpowers and the benefits of being well rounded. What are your superpowers?
  1. Drew Dudley: Everyday Leadership:

    In his funny talk, Drew Dudley reshapes the way leadership is defined. If we believe leadership is something that belongs to a select few and one day we may deserve the title, we allow ourselves not to believe in the everyday acts of leadership we can provide. Do you have your own lollipop moment?

Comment and share with us your own life mantras, lollipop moments, or innovative ideas. Everyone has a story to tell; what’s yours?

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