facebook 20 Themes For Your Next Virtual Event - Focus U

20 Themes For Your Next Virtual Event

20 Themes For Your Next Virtual Event


The world has gone virtual in 2020, and so have corporate events. In the new paradigm, it is important that your event themes also reflect the new reality that we live in – a world where virtual, remote, agile, online, connect, social, etc have become essential elements and not buzzwords. 

Here are a few that we have seen that have clicked with our groups. 

1. “RACE Ahead“

This is one of our favourites for the virtual world we live in today. RACE has many metaphors that come in handy while planning a virtual event – Race ahead of competition, obtaining a lead, and so on. The fact that it can be made into a catchy abbreviation like R.A.C.E (Resilience, Agile, Customer focus, Execution) makes it even more appealing.

Our latest activity, The Escape Room Challenge is a good option for a virtual team building activity on the same theme. 

2. “Together, WE CAN”

Reminding your group that ‘we are all in this together’ is the key theme for this tagline. If building positivity and self-belief is one of your objectives, then this fits beautifully with your next virtual event.

The Beatbox Acapella is a catchy, music-based remote team building exercise which helps a group experience this theme in a fun way!

3. “Change For Good”

Change is here, whether you like it or not. And most of us don’t like it. This theme puts a positive spin on Change. We recommend supplementing the theme with email teasers about inspirational stories of teams/businesses which have pivoted successfully through massive disruption.

This is an especially good option for senior groups, and you could also run our Leading Change virtual workshop if you want to take it one step further in helping your leaders navigate change. 

4. “NEXT is Here!”

Many of us are living in denial about the digital transformation that is underway. This theme serves as a good reminder that digital is going to be the future. We recommend this theme for events focused on digital transformation or the next phase of growth.

The Grapevine Challenge could be used as a team exercise to drive home the message of consistency in understanding and communication around the theme. 

5. “ACCElerate 2020”

Considering that most businesses are slowly limping back to normal in the COVID-19 world, ‘Accelerate’ serves as good reminder that we have to focus on growth and on putting the worst part behind us.

ACC (Adapt, Challenge, Collaborate) can also be used to add sub themes to the event. The BOMS Challenge is a good fit for a team exercise to reemphasize the key messaging 

6. “RISE Up”

This is one of our favourites because of the permutations that we can generates with RISE as an abbreviation. In current time, RISE has so many positive metaphors. In addition, RISE can also be used to deliver sub messages (for example, Resilience, Inspire, Simplify, Execute).

The Remote Haka could be a great way to inspire your team through a powerful team experience at an event with this theme.  

7. “ACE the Game!”

When you want to motivate your team to win against competition in the marketplace, this is a good option for an event theme. We recommend this as a good fit especially for Sales and Marketing virtual events.

Countdown to Sixty Challenge is a good team building exercise that goes with the same theme. 

8. “Mission WOW!”

WoW as a word has so many positive connotations. This is a good option at a companywide virtual event where you are launching a new initiative. WOW can also be abbreviated into sub themes (For example, Win, Ownership, Wellbeing) which makes it a  very versatile option.

The Holistic Wellness Challenge is a good team exercise if you do use an acronym that has ‘Wellness’ as a component. 

9. “RAINMakers 2020”

This is one of our favourites for virtual events for sales folks which are aimed at recognizing efforts put in. RAIN can be abbreviated into messages further to add more nuance to the messaging. For example, RAIN (Rigor, Agile, Inspire, New ideas) could clarify priorities for the next year along with the theme.

A competitive Cook Off Challenge is a fun, virtual team building exercise that goes well with this theme. 

10. “Level UP!”

If you are planning for shifting gears in your business, this theme demonstrates the mindset needed to succeed. It is especially popular for events in the start-up world, where organization are scaling rapidly and planning hyper growth.

The Masterpiece Challenge is a an engaging virtual team building activity that acts as a good metaphor to model the organizational trust needed to succeed in such a transformation. 

11. “Breaking Barriers”

This theme is a great option to boost morale and unshackle mindsets especially in a companywide virtual event. It can also be used in the context of aiming for something which has not been done in your business or industry so far.

We have used the Pixel Challenge as a powerful team building exercise linked to the same theme. 

12. “May the F.O.R.C.E be with you!”

Who doesn’t like Star Wars themes?!

We love this also for its versatility. We have seen the word FORCE being used creatively to address business priorities in many virtual events. For example, F.O.R.C.E (Fearless, Original, Risk-taking, Challenging, Entrepreneurial) can be a theme if you are a start-up attempting to conquer your domain.

The Robinson Crusoe Challenge could be a good team building exercise to add spice your virtual event. 

13.”The Future is here!”

Some people see the current business environment as an opportunity to pivot their businesses to uncharted territories. If you are planning a similar transformation, this theme is a good fit for your next virtual event.

The Map the City Challenge can be a fun, virtual team building exercise to engage your group at such an event. 

14. “VUCA Warriors 2020”

VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) has taken the world by storm in 2020. This theme is a lighter take on the challenges posed by the business environment and yet drives the message that we are in the fight together.

The Virtual Key Punch Challenge acts a good metaphor to experience the VUCA phenomenon.

15. “WIN Big!”

This is a favourite in the FMCG space for virtual events. If you work in a highly competitive industry which needs rigour of execution, the focus has to be on winning and this theme could be a good option for your next team event.

The Celluloid Challenge is an excellent virtual team building exercise to go with this theme. 

16. “Inspire, Integrate, Innovate!”

When you are planning a virtual event for teams that are interlinked within the organization, this theme is a good way to link goals, innovation and teamwork across departments. The catchy format makes it easy to remember too.

The MusoMagic Challenge can help your teams live each of these elements in a fun, experiential format.

17. “Dream Team 2020”

At no other point in business history have we needed more compassion and teamwork in the world! If coming together as a unit is a key priority for your group, this theme is a great fit. It can also be used in sales incentive virtual events for recognizing top performers.

The Happy Feet Challenge, which leverages dance can be a fun virtual team building experience that goes with this theme. 

18. “Winning With Purpose!“

Purpose led organizations are now making their mark. Teams today need to know the “Why” of their work and associate themselves with powerful purpose that they can contribute to.

Choosing a CSR based virtual team Building Exercise like the Random Acts of Kindness Challenge in such an event would be an engaging way to drive home this point. 

19. “We Are ALL IN!”

Many companies have used the current crisis to demonstrate a commitment to their vision and values. And no better time for your team to feel connected to something larger than just corporate metrics! This is a great fit for company wide virtual event to re-instill confidence in your company’s road ahead.

We recommend a powerful music-based exercise like the Rhythm Challenge which gets everyone to come together for a common cause with this theme. 

20. “Game On, 2020!”

2020 seems in many ways like a giant villain in today’s world. In tough times, a little humour never hurt anyone.  So, this theme could be used for an informal virtual event, along with self-deprecating teaser emails and invites to lighten the mood and yet, drive home the message that 2020 cannot beat us.

A fun virtual team building exercise like the Laughter Yoga Challenge, that helps your team laugh their blues away is a good fit with this theme. 

Do join the conversation by sharing your own favourite event themes.

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