Inspiration For Independence Day - FocusU

Inspiration For Independence Day

Aircrafts showing tricolours of Indian flag
As we celebrate Independence Day this year, it is also a time for introspection. Independence Day is as much about the freedom to live a fulfilling life as it is about political freedom.

One of the main aspirations after independence was the need to carve out the Indian identity within the people of this country. This Independence Day, therefore let us look at this goal and take it to a deeper level. How do we as individuals carve out a niche for ourselves and make it count? Whether it is a better friend, partner, colleague, or leader, how do we become better and happier people?

Here’s something I’ve planned for myself for this 15th of August which I will implement at home and work. This is just a small step in helping myself becoming a better individual.

  • Just do it:
    Yes, we all procrastinate at some point or the other. For example, I love planning my week and then usually find myself talking about how so much needs to be done in so little time, rather than just doing it! For example I’ve been wanting to write more blogs, as I love writing, but a hectic work life keeps me from it and I keep delaying it. So, here I am overcoming that excuse and doing what I love. We must dig deep to find the motivation to constantly propel ourselves forward. Start encouraging your team to develop a “can-do” attitude.
  • Take ownership:
    We all like to talk about how we’ve been given more than we can finish, whether it is assignments, projects, or even responsibilities. Well, it’s time we stopped doing that and took ownership of our tasks. I’ll give you an example, I moved in to a new house 5 months ago and kept complaining about the furniture and other household items not being in place. But last Sunday I stopped complaining and took ownership of this task and have started redecorating my house bit by bit. I am loving it! Taking ownership is one of the foremost qualities of a good leader and one of the most inspiring one as well.
  • Love yourself:
    I hate to admit it, but there are times I push myself too hard, whether it’s at the office or at home. I never really give myself credit for what I’ve done, constantly reminding myself about the next goal, target, etc. Well, that is going to stop. Loving yourself is one of the best feelings one can have. Yesterday, I celebrated my 5-month work anniversary and bought myself something I love after work and cooked my favourite meal too.
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I strongly feel once we take a step towards becoming a better individual, we automatically create a more amicable environment for our family, friends and colleagues at work. We’re at peace with our self and the world then becomes a better place. If you are looking to challenge your team personally and professionally and want to know where to start, visit our website or contact us and let us help you develop a customized session for your team today.

This Independence Day let your team take a step towards excellence and remember, it starts with you.

Girl denoting freedom

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