Every individual aspires to live a happy and healthy life. The desire to be happy means we often put forth great effort, but later we find ourselves trapped in a world of our own creation. These problems are the results of our attempts to live a blissful life. In other words, the things we try […]
Does the pursuit of being more productive and achieving your targets get you glued to your laptop screen for hours? Do you experience stress from managing multiple projects that eventually takes on the form of body aches and physical exertion?
Every single moment in our life happens only once, and if we are going to let it slip away, we lose it forever The book Ichigo Ichie by Hector Garcia derives that each encounter one faces is unique and special. It talks about the Zen Buddhism qualities to enjoy every moment to it’s fullest which highlights the […]
We are growing. From being a two man show – to being this happy bunch of nine – we skipped the teens totally and now are 21. Yes, we have come of age J
Take your car on a journey without refueling and you will soon run out of gas. Chances are that you would end up on the highway alone. On an empty tank, the car will not move. Today, everyone is running in this fast paced world, aiming to get ahead. Some are running for money and […]