The FocusU approach to learning
Learning interventions are a means to an end - improved performance - and not an end in itself.
The philosophy that drives our
learning design
Our approach to learning design is inspired by the work of Roy V. H. Pollock,
Andrew McK. Jefferson & Calhoun W. Wick and their “6 Disciplines of
Breakthrough Learning.”
Begin With Why
Learning interventions need to link-up to business outcomes
Qualify What Can Move the Needle
One size never fits all and training is not always the answer.
The Learning Event Is Not The Finish Line
Learning is a journey – it should be designed as one.
Plan For The Learning Transfer Too
If what is learnt is not applied, the entire intervention is just a tick mark exercise
Aligning Managers is Critical For Learning Transfer
If reporting managers are not aligned to what was taught, learning is doomed
Measuring Impact Drives Accountability
What gets measured, gets done.
The FocusU learning design process
A typical FocusU learning journey explores various facets before creating
a customized development program that helps achieve learning outcomes
aligned to the organization’s business goals.
Preparation Phase
- What do learners already know?
- What is the background of the learners?
- How can we prime learners with the right attitudes and expectations?
Learning Delivery
- Which is the most appropriate learning methodology to use in this context?
- Do learners understand and buy-in to the finish line for the intervention
Learning Transfer
- How do we ensure continuation of learning beyond the learning delivery stage?
- How can we monitor, support and manage the learning transfer process?
Measuring Impact
- What is the best way to ensure workplace application?
- What is the best way to capture and document application of learning?
Because One size never fits all
What works for one set of learners, rarely works for another. Which is why,
we do not restrict ourselves to one approach or methodology.
Measuring impact of
our learning interventions
Our approach to impact measurement follows the seminal work in this field by Will Thalheimer, who proposed a nuanced yet practical way for impact measurement, which also informs the design process.
Does this resonate with you?
Or would you like to know more?
We can together co-create meaningful learning interventions.
Frequently asked questions
Don’t see an answer to your question?
Drop us an email and we will get back
Impact measurement will depend on what methodologies are incorporated in your learning journey. Based on the data we are able to collect within a given methodology, we can create and share a report with you at the end of the journey. This is an optional service which you can choose to select – please let us know if this is something you require.
Yes, we can help you with internal communication too. It is an optional service that clients can choose to select. Do speak to us about it.
Yes, program management is a big part of what we can help you with. It is an optional service that clients can choose to select. Do speak to us about it.
Yes, we can host the journey on a SaaS based LMS platform managed by us or it could be hosted on yours too, if you prefer that. Each option has its pros and cons that can be discussed.
A learning journey could be as short as a month (if done intensively) or as long as 12 months, depending on the scope of what needs to be achieved.
When you get in touch with us, our experienced client advisory team members will guide you through a series of questions which will help arrive at this decision. However, if you believe you have a certain preference, please share with us.
Thousands of businesses of all sizes, from
startups to large enterprises trust us
Get started with FocusU
Planning your learning calendar or engagement programs? Or just want to have an exploratory chat? Get in touch today!