facebook Learning journeys we offer | Focus U

Learning journeys we offer

If it is a skill, it needs practice to be proficient. A learning journey is a roadmap for acquiring a skill. It involves a series of experiences, carefully curated to help the learner reach a specific goal. Embark on one of our learning journeys today!


The best companies are now crafting learning as journeys!

What is this about?

Unlike one-off interventions, learning journeys are focused on not just knowledge transfer, but on practice, feedback, spaced repetition and workplace application.

A typical learning journey leverages various building blocks to custom create a targeted developmental program that helps achieve learning outcomes aligned to your organisation’s learning requirements and business goals.



Means much more than pre-work. It includes preparing the learner by building expectancy and clarifying their WIIFM. It also includes preparing the managers of the learners.

  • Pre-assessment/ 180 survey
  • Pre-work
  • Learner communication
  • Manager alignment
  • Journey kick-off & orientation


Using instructional approaches that are appropriate to the required behaviors and skills, delivering learning aligned to the ultimate business outcomes sought.

  • Instructor/virtual instructor led training
  • Business simulations
  • Story based courses
  • Master Class sessions
  • Gamification


Utilizing instructional strategies that maximise the transferability of learning to the work of the individual and organization.

  • Workplace application exercises
  • Group Reflection
  • Peer feedback / Teach back
  • 1:1 Coaching


Taking the learning back to the workplace by implementing the new learning acquired through goal-specific initiatives, mini-projects, or even reflections.

  • Post-assessment/ 180 survey
  • Workplace initiatives
  • Action learning projects
  • Graduation

Learning journeys are available in two formats

Some routes that are popular (Productised journeys)
Some that are made by walking on them (Customised journeys)

Where can you deploy
learning journeys?

When it is a skill that
learners must pick-up
When mere exposure is
not enough
When impact is to be

How we do it?

Through a combination of one or more of the following methodologies:

instructor led training
Instructor Led Training

In-person sessions facilitate better engagement, better learning immersion and ultimately better learning outcomes.
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virtual instructor led training
Virtual Instructor Led Training

A digitally delivered ILT, catering to learners spread across geographies.
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smiley shapes inside chat bubbles images
Case Studies

Unlock insights, hone skills: learning through diverse case study scenarios.
A digitally delivered ILT, catering to learners spread across geographies.
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business simulation banner
Business Simulation

Practice and experience plans and strategies in a realistic, risk-free environment before applying them in the real world.
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smiley shapes inside chat bubbles images

Bite-sized and self-paced modules, enabling learning during the flow of work.
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masterclass image

Engaging with highly accomplished and credible individuals has proven to be a very effective methodology to fast forward learning.
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lego serious play banner
Lego Serious Play

A facilitation technique that uses lego bricks to encourage creative thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication in group settings.
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gamify culture

Integration of game elements into learning experiences to enhance engagement, motivation, and retention of knowledge.
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Storified digital products (Hero Image)
Storified Digital Products

Learn at your time and own pace – through storified, self-paced courses.
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Do It Yourself

Empower self-paced growth: DIY Learning Kits offer engaging, ready-to-deploy content.
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A few popular learning journeys

What journey would
you like to take today?


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Frequently asked questions

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That is an important question for which there is no short answer. There are different ways in which these can be achieved starting from assessments to workplace initiatives to action learning projects. Let’s talk – we are passionate about making a difference for you!

You can download our brochure from the website. While this will give you an overall understanding, our learning designers will still need to talk with you to customize the workshop to your context.

Depending on the demographics of the cohort and our understanding of what is the best way for learning to be delivered, we design our workshops using multiple methodologies. Do drop in here to understand our learning design process better: https://focusu.com/our-learning-design-process/

Yes, we have ready journeys which are tried and tested pathways. But we also help our clients with customised journeys in line with the challenges faced by their cohorts.