facebook Enterprise Offerings - Focus U

Customised learning solutions for better business outcomes

We understand that when learning delivery is not customised, learners are not engaged and the training delivers very little return on investment. What are you looking for?

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Use as a part of learning journeys

I am looking for a Learning Journey

Learning anything meaningfully calls for time, energy, engagement, practice, feedback and patience. If you believe in the same, our thoughtfully curated learning journeys maybe just what you are looking for.

I am looking for a One-off Intervention

Whether it is a senior leadership intervention, an offsite event or a calendar program, the reality of life is that time is at a premium. Our portfolio of stand-alone solutions may have something that would work for you.

I am looking for a One-off Intervention
I am looking for self-paced e-learning content

I am looking for self-paced e-learning content

The fastest way to deploy learning content across a team or organization is still through self paced content which your employees can access at their own time and pace. Browse through our storified digital products.

I am looking for ready-to-use content my team can use

When you have an efficient training team yourself, all you need is good quality content for them to be enabled to run the sessions themselves! Our comprehensive DIY kits maybe just what you were looking for.

I am looking for ready-to-use content my team can use
gamify culture

I am looking to apply gamification to improve my onboarding

Without doubt, the onboarding phase is one of the most fertile periods where L&D teams can make a big impact on the learning of employees and their motivation. Join a bevy of the smartest companies using gamification to do just that.

Your end-to-end Learning Partner

Content Capabilities

Content Capabilities

  • Tailor made journeys
  • Coverage of 150+ topics
  • DIY Kits
  • Job aids
  • Micro-learning modules
  • Custom gamification
  • E-learning modules
  • Customization of all content before delivery
Delivery Capabilities

Delivery Capabilities

  • Capability Development Journeys
  • Team Development Journeys
  • Virtual/Classroom/Hybrid Facilitated Sessions
  • Large scale virtual asynchronous engagements
  • Broad Portfolio of tools & methodologies
  • Facilitators with multi-national experience
Technology Capabilities

Technology Capabilities

  • Experiential Learning Platform for simulations
  • Engaging LMS platform for tracking workplace application
  • Gamification platform for engagement
  • Secure Cloud Based Scalable Solutions
  • Real Time Analytics & Intearated Reports
Program Management

Program Management

  • Inhouse Customer Experience (CX) Team for Program Management
  • Program Marketing support
  • Scaffolding learning support
  • Detailed Impact Studies
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