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Tag: Book Reviews

Deepak Chopra’s book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” is a fantastic read full of great wisdom. These 7 Spiritual Laws can be applied in any and every phase of our lives. Deepak mentions, “Life is a force flowing through us. Where we direct our attention, this force flows. And every moment is an opportunity to direct our attention to ideas that inspire us.”
Continue reading “Leadership Challenges Of 2021: 10 Years To Midnight by Blair Sheppard”
Every single moment in our life happens only once, and if we are going to let it slip away, we lose it forever
The book Ichigo Ichie by Hector Garcia derives that each encounter one faces is unique and special. It talks about the Zen Buddhism qualities to enjoy every moment to it’s fullest which highlights the attributes of “Master of Tea Ceremony” back in 16th century. The book emphasises on learning how to make every moment once in a life time experience with the ultimate guide to the Japanese guide of Ichigo-Ichie.
The book urges the individual to simplify their lives by doing what sparks joy for them in the present. Keeping things simple can help you achieve the utmost level of happiness. This book talks about the beauty of impermanence, a state where certain object or a feeling would not last for ever and the present is the only thing in life which matters the most.
From this age-old concept comes a new kind of mindfulness. In The Book of Ichigo Ichie, you will learn to use all five senses to get yourself in the present. The book further states that every one of us contains a key that can open the door to attention, harmony with others, and love. This key is called the “Ichigo Ichie”
I discovered an interesting word today: Rectitude.
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Recently, I finished reading “Purple Cow” by Seth Godin. A wonderful book, it left me with a host of insightful epiphanies. Let’s start with the most obvious question – what is a Purple Cow?
A “purple cow” is something or someone that stands out! But how to be remarkable? – that’s the multi-dollar question! The book is filled with case studies, ideologies, and examples relevant to the topic. But there were some lines which really caught my attention and I have my takeaways from it –
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User interviews are done with the potential users of a design, product, or process with a specific objective or problem statement in mind. They are used to gather information on users’ thoughts, feelings, emotions, motivations, daily routines, or use or experience various products and services.
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