facebook SMOLLAN Blended Learning Journey Using Microlearning - Focus U

SMOLLAN Blended Learning Journey Using Microlearning

SMOLLAN Blended Learning Journey Using Microlearning

Table of Contents


SMOLLAN | Blended Learning Journey using Microlearning


The objective was to develop the competencies of two teams of SMOLLAN :
⦁ GDC (Global Delivery Center)
⦁ Head Office Team which included

The targeted competencies were identified as follows :

Strategy and People Development
⦁ Team Alignment
⦁ Accountability
⦁ Empathy
⦁ Stake Holder Management

Operational Excellence
⦁ Planning & Organizing
⦁ Continuous Process Improvement
⦁ Agility
⦁ Problem Solving

Leadership Excellence
⦁ Fostering Creativity
⦁ Adapting to Change


Competency development is a long-term process and a one-time intervention is unlikely to make a lasting impact. Keeping this is mind, a blended learning journey was designed for SMOLLAN with the following elements:

⦁ Self – Report Questionnaire
⦁ 2 – Day Experiential Workshop
⦁ 90 – Day reinforcement through mobile microlearning

Below is the snapshot of the Learning Journey:

Details of each element of the learning journey:

Self – Report Questionnaire:
In discussion with the SMOLLAN Learning & Development team, we identified the targeted behaviors for each competency. We also had a round of discussion with the leadership team to identify the critical incidences where these competencies come into play and the challenges faced by the team in demonstrating the expected behaviors.

Through a survey, participants self – reported their level of confidence of working with each behavior. We leveraged the insights from the survey and leadership discussion to customize the experiential workshop and mobile based microlearning challenges.

2 – Day Experiential Workshop:
Through the use of experiential activities such as Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, Blind In – Tent, First Strike and the Domino Rally challenge, the key learning objectives were brought to surface.

90 – Day reinforcement through mobile microlearning:
Through challenging mobile based microlearning modules, participants were encouraged to apply the concepts and behaviors to real life work scenarios. These 10 to 15-minute modules were made available through an app so that participants could complete them on the go, anytime, anywhere. Through regular dashboards and emails, learners were encouraged to continue the learning process.

Below is the list of the 10 mobile learning challenges designed :
⦁ An App with odd features: Aligning the team
⦁ The Accountability Challenge: Applying the various steps of the OZ Principle
⦁ Draw an Empathy Map Challenge: Stakeholder Management
⦁ Use Influencing Currencies Challenge: Stakeholder Management
⦁ The Mousetrap Challenge: Reframing the problem
⦁ The Explorer’s Challenge: Sourcing ideas creatively
⦁ The Green Bullet Challenge: Micro – experimentation with an idea
⦁ Move with Your Cheese Challenge: Anticipating and managing change
⦁ The 8 – Step Change Challenge: Leading change using Kotter’s model
⦁ The Agile Sprint Challenge: Designing projects to be more agile

Some important microlearning metrics :

Pics :


This is what Mr. Vijay Varshney, Head of Technology, MESA – SMOLLAN Had to say about the blended learning journey :
“Thank you FocusU team and Smollan L&D team for designing such a wonderfully continuous learning program, it acted like small and effective doses to look for what next…and what more coming once way to improve. Case studies chosen were all relevant for my Global Development Team & I could not ask for more. Let’s plan for some monthly 1 hour on premise confluence sessions. Thanks once again.”

This is what Ketki Desai, one of the participants of the learning journey, had to say about the use of microlearning in the journey :
“It forced me to learn and grow in spite of dealing with my busy schedule of juggling between work and a new-born back at home… you not only helped me understand new concept in merely 15 mins span to 30 mins., but also challenged me to think through different issues I feel, I should deal with. I should get them sorted mentally in my mind first than in real life… Thank you for helping me GROW my knowledge…”

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