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IOCL | Induction Programs

IOCL | Induction Programs


IOCL | Induction Programs


Conduct the Induction programs for multiple batches of MT (Management Trainees) and GET (Graduate Engineer Trainees) joining the organization. The key objectives defined for the intervention were:

• To get to experience the core values of the organization in an immersive way

• To get the participants to move from a ME-thinking to a WE-thinking perspective

• To make participants aware of how to flex their thinking and put forth their ideas


The workshop was designed as a 3 day intervention that the organization branded as the Campus to Corporate Induction Program and was structured as below.

Day 1 started with the question, “Why have you been hired by IOCL?”. Most new employees thought it was because of their marks and performance in the interview process. The insight that they were actually hired for their “ability to think” – was something that was expanded on through the day. The day was structured around the theoretical construct of the “Creativity Cycle” as expounded by Roger Von Oech.

Ideas can be dime a dozen – the important thing though is the ability to communicate the ideas successfully ahead. Day 2 hence was constructed around building the confidence of the participants in projecting their ideas ahead.

Unlike in campuses where individual talent, knowledge and skill is appreciated, in an organizational context, most work gets done in teams. The ability of individuals to subscribe to the values of an organization – and then work together collaboratively in teams to achieve common goals, is often what leads to organizational success. This is what was targeted on Day 3.

The workshop designed as an immersive experience for participants, wove in the core values of IOCL in an experiential & fun way – as a series of challenges that the team must overcome. Teams could succeed only when they worked together collaboratively. By keeping just the right mix of competition and collaboration, the importance of becoming a better team player was brought out to all participants in a very memorable way.

The 3 day workshop was then brought to a close by sharing fun snippets and moments from the 3 days – that brought a lot of laughter & smiles – and in the process, brought all the participants closer together as a group stepping into the portals of IOCL.


Here is what a few participants had to say after the whole intervention:

“After the workshop I felt like, FocusU had made me see what actually was inside me and what actually I am. I think now I know myself better and why I am here!”

“We had a great time. Those 3 days were most memorable and informative ones. Everything was just right :)”

“It was just a wonderful experience with FocusU team. We learned a lot but enjoyed a lot too. FocusU has given us so many lessons to learn for life. Everything was perfect, each team member, each one of you put your whole effort to make us learn and enjoy – we just want to say Thank you guys!!!”

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