facebook Pepsico | Innovation Workshop - Focus U

Pepsico | Innovation Workshop

Pepsico | Innovation Workshop


Pepsico | Innovation Workshop


To run the annual workshop for the team from the Pepsico Global Value Innovation Center around the theme of making Innovation happen.


This was a team chartered with coming up with disruptive innovations around capital equipment – that could be adopted by Pepsico globally to make the organization more competitive.

The team was unique in the sense that it had made a mark for itself by designing around customer needs rather than around technology. Also, it comprised a very small group of people – who had worked with external vendors in a hub and spoke arrangement, orchestrating the network for success. The team was led by a very senior and experienced leader – who gave us a challenging brief: To run an intervention around Innovation for this successful group focussed on Innovation!

The intervention was structured around cutting-edge thinking of that time around Innovation – The 10 faces of Innovation by Tom Kelly of IDEO.

The workshop was largely experiential in nature. It was designed in a manner so as to introduce a few new concepts that the participants could Learn, Practise and finally Implement too. Hence, the workshop took an approach of introducing concepts, allowing participants to “much over it” – and then pick out whatever they deemed to be relevant/workable for them in a practical way.


Here is what Tanmay Vats, Vice President & Head, Pepsico Global Value Innovation Center had to say about the whole intervention:

“FocusU organized our first offsite in 2013. That they were the obvious choice for our second offsite in 2014 speaks for the impact they had made with their first. The Facilitators were amazing. Their affable personality and strong communication skills ensure a great connect with the participants thus leading to a universal participation. They have the ability to connect the content and activities to the unique challenges faced by the team thus making the content all the more relevant. Their passion & commitment rubs on the rest of the team too. It’s not about the content or activities. Those can be replicated by others. It’s what the FocusU team does with them which makes the experience so special. It’s a pleasure partnering with the FocusU team. We wish them all the best.”

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